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Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Starting a new character

Sept 2007 update: NOTE! Some of what may have worked here doesn't seem to work that way anymore - namely, you can't stock up on things from Tutorial Island to use later, nor can you advance past level 3 on the island. See the notes at the end of this post for more detail

So, you want to play Runescape, or have played it for a while already but are dirt poor with no belongings and you want to start over. That's cool, stuff happens, sometimes it's just so we can change our names.

You venture over to and click on the "Create Account" button under "Main Features". You agree to the terms and conditions (please read them first), and you select your player name. The system will let you know if your player name isn't available and give you some options for related names to select instead if the one you want is already taken.

Remember, no profanity in the name, or you may get your account cancelled.

When you first connect to the game, you're asked to select a gender for your character (we are all human, no orc, troll, etc races here) configure the look of your online character (aka Avatar) by cycling through the options for the various body parts. You can change the color and the look of your clothing, hair and body. You can change this later in the game but it costs money and requires some looking around to find, so choose carefully!

Once you are satisfied with your Avatar, click on 'Accept'.

The view you're put into now is "the standard view" for the game. At this time it's great to use your arrow keys to see the effect on the view, so you know how to adjust your perspective of the area you're in.

The Runescape Tutorial is designed for all new players, and all new players (ie: any "new character" you create) are required to go through the tutorial completely in order to get into the rest of the "game". Unless you've been through it before, don't rush through this part of the game - you can gather valuable tools and materials that will be tremendously helpful in getting you going once you hit the "real world of Runescape".

One of the clicking challenges of the game is that sometimes there are things in the way of what you want to click - the fire for cooking the shrimp, the various NPC's (non-player characters) you interact with, etc. The simplest solution is to employ the right-click strategy, and instead of left-clicking on something that is obscured, right-click and then select the correct option from the list that appears. This can be especially important when you're sharing your cooking fire and someone stands in the fire to do their cooking (and no, they don't get burned, it's a funny quirk of the game).

There are areas in the tutorial area that could be quite lucrative for a new player starting out - don't be afraid to smelt a bunch of copper bars and smith a bunch of daggers for sale later on.

While killing the rats with the sword, feel free to stick around and kill as many as you can before you exit the cage that first time, as you cannot return. Eat your cooked shrimp and bread to help you heal so you can kill more. You are gaining real experience and can advance skill levels while in the tutorial, and you know you're attacking safe monsters that way as well! Before you leave the cage, be sure to run around and pick up any arrows laying around. These arrows will stay with you when you leave Tutorial Island.

Once you get your bow and arrow set, don't waste your arrows killing more than one rat at this time. You can't get back into the cage to retrieve the arrows, and you want to bring as many off of Tutorial Island as possible.

Once off of Tutorial Island, do yourself a favor and talk to the Lumbridge Guide. Read all he has to talk about, but especially the information about where to find a bank. As a new player with very few belongings, you want to protect your belongings by banking everything you don't need to be carrying around with you. Even as a high level player, I keep my inventory small and focused on the specific task at hand.

Visit the bank in Draynor Village, following the directions the Guide offered you, and stow away everything but your bronze axe. Whatever you do, don't go into battle until you've stowed away your items! Without money you can't purchase replacements, and NOBODY likes beggars. It's important to be self-sufficient and that includes being able to go on without great pain if you die and lose everything you were carrying.

Now your inventory is ready to be filled with logs that you can store in the bank until you can find a player willing to buy the logs. And for 100 logs, you should be able to get 3,000-5,000 coins! That kind of money will be great for buying armor for your upcoming battles.

You're off to a great start!

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At 10/06/2005 10:02:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK My game name is bowhagen. When i was a noob i found a good way to make my woodcutting easier. First finish tutorial island, when you arrive in lumbridge you'll a bronze sword, bronze axe, wooden shield, shortbow, 25 arrows, and food plus some runes and other small stuff. Go North to the general store and sell you're sword, shield, food items not the runes, or arrows but everything else. Dont worry in a hour you'll have alot of money for a noob!! Go south to the axe shop and buy a iron axe and go to draynor to cut 112 regular logs and you should be around level 20 or more meaning you can cut oak but stick with regular since there easier and sell for more! I got 10k in a half an hour with just 500+ regular logs!I sold for 20gp each! you can now buy iron armor or steel even mith but i doubt you can wield mith with just 30 mins of game play!

At 10/26/2005 04:19:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok , mine is so easy just try it. u must hav done rune mysteries quest. mine ess all day. u will probaly hav about 100k ess by the end of the day. sell the ess for 30 ea or for how much ppl r buying them for.once u reach 30.go to underground mines i fally. its a great way for a noob to make mony.

At 11/04/2005 03:03:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

what up my fellow game addicted gizzles, ok my game name is Poseidon785, or Gggrrr888, or Sidewinde134(great names huh), any way if your poor as a small crack baby on the streets in august in the game i think i can help.Ok, the word that will carry u to riches and fame, is simply bones, big bones to be specific. Go to wildy get big bones, im not gonna tell u how because that why im a millionaire and your not. But if u can get them people pay mucho deniro in varrock bank for em. Remember, BIG BONES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
p.s.- thank you for your time.

At 11/11/2005 03:42:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

poseidon,i really think it's innapropriate to be talking about crack babies or to be telling people how rich u will hurt their feelings=(.if u ever want a good fight add Reagan100 and i'll fight u any time.

At 11/19/2005 06:48:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

normal logs go for 100 each due to fleching and arrow shafts for 10gp ea

At 11/25/2005 11:21:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

this one is for all you crack babies out there just mine mith oars and sell them for 300 a piece

ps ill kick that other guys ass
-blud luster0- add me

At 12/04/2005 01:40:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

yo whats up ppl.anyway a good way to make money and work on your skills is to mine about 500 copper ore and then store them in the bank,when your done that start mining 500 smelt them into 500 bars of bronze.after this smith you get a higher level start smithing the new things u can by getting to that lv(after bronze dagger smith bronze ax ,and after ax smith mace etc.)anyway after your done you should be able to mine the same with iron and smelt as many bars as possible out of the 500 ores you get.

At 12/15/2005 02:01:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i tried and it didn't work the arrows disappeared from the bank

At 1/13/2006 07:48:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

what impikmin saidd is right and you can also do the trick with runes!the mage guy will give ya runes lots if ya do the example waht impikmin saysyou will get many starting runes!do not deposit you items on the island as they will diseppear...i think so...

At 1/18/2006 11:10:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is a theory that u can't get killed in the turial island, unless you are out of it, and can get up to level 5 in the turial island if you just have nearly a full inventory of bread, in rs2.While killing, you can also level up ur prayer, as it saves time. I done it before.=P

PS = its better to level up the skills you can level up till lvl3!

Hope this is useful to new players!

At 2/27/2006 12:31:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Epza, the character (toon) I used, was created solely for the purpose of checking the limits and boundrys of Runescape's Training Island. What follows are my findings.

On the Runescape Training Island, you can NOT go higher in any skill than level three (3). Not even one point higher. On the training island all skills are capped at level three (3).

You can melee kill as many rats as you want, and you don't even have to use food to heal with because you will never go below one (1) hitpoint. In otherwords, you won't die fighting rats on Training Island.

You can collect all the inventory items you want while on the island, but when you leave the island you will end up on the mainland with the following items in your inventory:

one bronze wood cutting axe
one tinder box
one small fishing net
one cooked shrimp
one bucket
one pot
one cooked bread
one pickaxe
one bronze dagger
one bronze sword
one wooden shield
one short bow
twenty five (25) arrows
twenty five (25) air runes
fifteen (15) body runes
six (6) water runes
four (4) earth runes
two (2) body runes

and in the mainland banks you will find:

twenty five (25) coins

Any stockpiles you made to your inventory, regardless of whether you stockpiled arrows, shrimp, bread, bronze bars or whatever, will NOT reach the mainland with you. You will get exactly that which I listed above and not a bit more.

Fishing skill-ups are a little faster on Training Island than on the mainland, and so are fire skill-ups, but leveling attack, strength, and defense are slower because you hit less often than you would with either normal rats or chickens on the mainland. This same slowness could apply to ranged, but killing chickens with free runes from the wizard might be worth considering.

But truthfully, my recommendation would have to be not to waste your time on Training Island. On Training Island you can't get loot to make money with. In the low level mainland areas, you can get loot from your kills, and loot from the kills of other players who just leave it on the ground.

And one last thing, the very easiest and quickest way for a "newbie," at least on the f2p (free to play) servers, to earn money is probably one of the most boring. It works like this:

Step 1) You get the "Rune Mysteries Quest" from Duke Horacio on the 2nd floor of the castle. (The castle you ended up in front of when came off Training Island.) You take the talisman the duke gives you to the head wizard, Sedridor, in the Wizards Tower south of Draynor Village. Sedridor wants you to take a package to Aubury, the owner of a rune shop in north east Varrock, and gives you directions to Varrock. (In the last update, Runescape made the barbarians hostile and they will now aggro newbies, so if you can't figure out how to avoid their village, don't walk through it, run.) When you find Aubury, keep in mind where he's located, and that there is a bank just north of him. Aubury gives you his notes and asks you to give them to Sedridor. Take them to Sedridor and in return he gives you the privilage of being teleported to the rune essence stones via various npc's.

Step 2) The the boring, but rewarding part. Go to the bank and store everything but your pickaxe. Wield your pickaxe. Your inventory should now be empty, the pickaxe in your hand. Go to one of the teleportation npc's and get teleported to the rune essence stones. Mine the essence (ess), fill your inventory, then use the teleportation device back to the teleporting npc. Next, go to the bank and store the twenty eight (28) ess you've mined. Now go back to the teleporting npc and repeat this operation thirty five (35) times. (I said it was boring.) 8-)

NOTE: Don't try to sell until you have at least 1000 ess. Buyers don't like piddly amounts, and you can always take breaks if it gets to boring. Oh, I almost forgot, you should be able to sell your one thousand (1000) ess for thirty thousand (30,000) if your patient--most likely to just a single buyer. If you are willing to sell for less, don't let them get you down to low, because there are buyers that will turn around and sell the thousand essences's they bought from you for 35,000.

Good hunting.


At 2/27/2006 05:29:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I did that BEFORE i read this and it does not work. I tried.

At 3/05/2006 08:14:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok well i found out in tunt. you cannot keep any of ur things they put them all back to 0 and give u small amount of runes, arrows, bow, and noob stuff, sorry :-(

At 4/03/2006 02:05:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

first off i'd like to say even though you talk to that dude and get as many arrows as you want you will only leave the island with 25 arrows. ok my username is mcdiddys3 on runescape and i'm not that rich but i have 60 range. on my other account i found the best way to get money is to smelt steel bars. since you have to be at level 30 smithing and 30 mining to smelt the bars it will take a while but its worth it. start off with mining copper and tin in fallidor until you are at lvl 33 then smelt them all and make all bronze pl8bodys when u can because the pl8bodys give the most exp. and if that doesn't get you to 30 smith just keep smithing bronze until it does because iron isn't worth messing with. now after you have gotten 30 smithing you need to mine 1000 iron ores. by this time your mining lvl will be around 38 and now its time to mine coal. so what you need to do is go to the barbarian village and mine coal until you have 2000 of them then you will need to smelt the coal and iron into steel. when your done you should have 1000 steel bars and you can sell those for 575 ea.

At 5/07/2006 07:03:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

An easy way to lvl up magic at tutorial island is once you are at the magic guide and you talk to him it will say something like 'HE gave you X air runes and X mind runes!'... When this happens DONT exit it... just walk away! Youll have the runes and you can keep doing this until you have as many as you like! NOTE: Once you leave tutorial island all of them will be gone! :(

At 5/13/2006 09:09:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK for all you new players out there, I got one tip for you. When someone sais free money follow dont follow!!!
My name is righthand12
in the game and i remember when i was a noob and i got scammed all the time.
if you are a noob add righthand12 to your buddy list and and say to me i need money. And i will show you some good ways to make money if you are a noob or not.(I am on mostly every day)

At 5/18/2006 08:05:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, so u want to make money? thats wat this is all about???

Well, This will get ur attention...


THATS LIKE... 4040k

Go to karamja. do the bananna picking thing. get 3k from that (about... 100 times)
Thn, after that buy lobsters from the store there.

Take to bank


when ur out of money sell to people

U will have more

Thn wen ur at about 15k buy 100 coal

thn sell the coal for 20k

Repeat until ur at 100k

Thn buy D longs for 70k and sell for 90k

u will be at 1mil in bout 3 days.

Get to 2m by doin same thing buy greataxe sell for 200k more (buy 1.7 sell 1.9)

thn move on to full dhoraks





At 5/23/2006 05:16:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

if ur a newbie then try 2 mine a lot.i did and i got 47k!!mine tin only then once u get to lvl 15 mine iron etc. once ur lv 30 mine coal until u have 10k coal sell it for 1.5mil

At 6/21/2006 01:18:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey whats up my players name is eddy spide and i know a great way to make money. first when you enter to runescape go to the chicken farm next to cows then use an axe and kill alot of chickens. then cook em. after that go to wildy and sell them each for 10 coins. trust me there are alot of hungry worriors! i got 100k by doing this.

At 6/27/2006 10:40:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes i think tht that is usefull for lower levels but u got any thing for lvl60 members who need mony for stuff!

At 8/02/2006 02:48:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

you can't die on tutorial just get down to 1 hp. Even if you could die, where would you respawn?

At 8/21/2006 08:04:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

While killing the rats with the sword, feel free to stick around and kill as many as you can before you exit the cage that first time, as you cannot return. Eat your cooked shrimp and bread to help you heal so you can kill more.

thats not true theres no need to heal coz u cant die on tutorial island

p.s. Add me Alexander208 im lvl 82

At 8/21/2006 08:05:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

While killing the rats with the sword, feel free to stick around and kill as many as you can before you exit the cage that first time, as you cannot return. Eat your cooked shrimp and bread to help you heal so you can kill more.

thats not true theres no need to heal coz u cant die on tutorial island

p.s. Add me Alexander208 im lvl 82

At 9/04/2006 07:37:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

People look, on tutorial island, you can never die, there are no randoms, no monsters stronger than the level 3 rats, which by the way you can battle without dying as you will always have 1hp, you can train attack, strength, defence, prayer, magic, range, cooking, fishing, woodcutting, firemaking, mining and smithing up to level 3, it dosent help if you spend time trying to get like 650 bronze arrows, since you will only leave with 25.

At 9/06/2006 06:54:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


Your hitpoints are already 10, and any experience you get fighting will be wasted because NO experience will go to hitpoints - aka max EXP you can earn in any skill on tutorial is 203. ONLY fight what you MUST and go...

At 10/22/2006 12:53:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Home fries,
The theory of not getting killed on tutorial island is true. I've actuaaly tried. You're supposed to go to lumby when you die, right? Well, you can't do that until the mage at the end of tutorial island teleports you.
Impikmin is correct, you can only get up to lvl 3 on everything.
I'm not very rich, but I can tell you noobs[newbies] out there a way of getting some extra cash. This might take a while though. You can keep working up your woodcutting lvl to 60, to cut yews, and keep selling them. This is one method that people have done to become richer.
Another is keep working at your mining and smithing. As your skills get higher, you can make mmore things, like ful iron or mith or whatever.
My account name is Crue L. Evil.
Yes. I have other accounts, but they are still in tutorial island, and won't come out. Ever.
~Crue L. Evil~

At 11/26/2006 07:23:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

regarding all the tutiral island free stuff u cant get thousands of free arrows or runes or anything when i first started out i wasted hours stocking up on arrows and runes and when i finnaly left thie island i was teleported with the base number of each item that was given to me so ionly had 50 arrows instead of like 5000 only 20 air runes instead of 2000 and so on

At 1/14/2007 01:14:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really, If your a member, Treasure Trails is the best way to go.
If your not a member, Try Fishing or Woodcutting... Thats your best way to Fame..

Check me.. My name is 'Kin Jo Liu'

At 7/17/2007 08:14:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

in tuturial island i have noticed u seem to only be able to train up to lvl 3 in everything can u verify this?

At 8/03/2007 04:00:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

My account name is Twisty215 And i have to ask bowhagen how he done the log thing. I tired to sell them but everyone told me to p**s of saying they can cut the wood for themselves.

P.S - all i got in half an hour was 10 gold coins.(someone that took pity on me lol)

Add Twisty215 if u need a friend
Irule2k if u wnt some willow logs(10gold coins per log)


At 8/07/2007 09:04:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi everyone,
i am writing this because because i am wondering how bowhagen done what he done. I done what he said and it didnt work. after i had cut all the logs he said to cut i put them in note form and TRYED to sell them. I went into the bank and repeatly asked if enyone wanted to buy some logs but all i got was people saying why would we buy logs when we can eaisly do it ourselfs! So in half an hour -1 hour all i had done was lose all my possoins(execpt the runes and arrows) but i did get some money
from selling ma stuff.
P.S - by the way if u need some help or need a friend add me as a friend.Ma name is AK474life2(and i am rich now,the real money is in MINING and/or SMITHING)thank you for taking time to read this.


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