Runescape newbie PKing experiences and thoughts, Melee vs Rangers
So I took my secondary character, armed with lobsters, out into the Runescape Wilderness to see how she would fare, being only combat lvl 28 and experienced with Melee.
There are a lot of mages and rangers out there, and a lot of folks who are wearing mismatched armor sets which cross melee, mage and ranger. Most people are much higher level than I am at 28, which is good in terms of exploring alone. It took me a while to run into a ranger around my combat level who wasn't in a team of 2-3 others.
I tried to stay in the 1-on-1 combat areas, but by the time I found this ranger, and his same-level ranger buddy, I had wandered into a multi-combat zone. As soon as I noticed this, I ran back to the 1-on-1 zone, with the rangers following me.
Once I was inside the 1-on-1 zone, I turned back and continued fighting with the ranger who had followed the closest.
I noticed that I didn't have a skull over my head - I guess that ranger attacked me first because they had the skull... and all of my 'attacks' were seemingly seen as defensive. This is good, I want to be fighting with a player who has a skull, but not have a skull of my own. I want them to drop stuff if they die, but if I die, I want to keep as much of my stuff as possible.
I've actually read that as something that's advised to newbie PKers - not only the advice about attacking a ranger if you're melee or a melee if you're a mage, but the advice about only attacking players who *already* have a skull over their heads. I would imagine if you made the first hit you'd also get skulled, but you want to be attacking opponents who have a higher chance at dropping everything they have if you defeat them.
Anyhow, back to the battle... There were two rangers, but I pulled them outside the multi-combat zone so I could take them on seperately. The second ranger hung around closely while the battle with the first ranger went on and on. We both had a full inventory of food, apparently.
The ranger I was fighting didn't want me to take his arrows, so every 20 seconds or so he'd advance to where I was standing in order to pick up the arrows. This had the effect of pushing my character to another spot - and eventually I inched my way back into the multi-combat zone and the second ranger joined in again. I ran deeper into the 1-on-1 zone so I couldn't be inched in once again. The rangers followed.
The main ranger attacking me continued his practice of picking up arrows, while the second ranger watched. Then, after a few minutes, the second ranger realized our battle was stopped for a brief moment each time the main ranger picked up arrows, so the second ranger attacked during that moment. It was then that I decided I should pull out because my food was mostly gone, I have no law runes for teleports, and I was at lvl 10 Wilderness fighting with people quite close to my own level.
I bugged out, and headed back to Edgeville to re-stock before making another journey out to explore up to lvl 10 wilderness in the 1-on-1 areas to see where would be a good place to stalk other players.
If you would have added the player who was bothering you to your "ignore list" would you have stopped seeing messages from them alltogether? I'm pretty sure you would as I did this the other day because a player was bothering me about my camo pants.
Have you found any places where there is an anvil, a furnace and a mine close together because I mine in the desert of Al-kharid and I'm sick of walking for 3 minutes back an forth, back and forth ect.
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