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Monday, October 31, 2005

Runescape Holiday Drops: Halloween 2005

NOTE: THIS IS OVER - If you didn't get your ZOMBIE HEAD, it's TOO LATE. And as for the Little Kids and Candies, they're gone! But Grim Reaper apparently still comes when you die...

The Halloween Update has been put into place on Runescape!

Quoted from the Runescape site:

Shadies and Gentleghouls....Mwa haha ha haaa ha..... it’s halloween!! For this week only there are some spooky halloween events running....

-The Lumbridge swamps are definitely not for the faint hearted this time of year. The halloween zombies are around, and not only are they terrifying enough to unlock the new Scared emote, but you can collect your very own zombie head to talk to (if you can catch it), as a spooooky halloween souvenir.

-Dust off those old bits of costume and head over to Lumbridge where the local kids are trick or treating!! Sadly the kids aren’t too scared of adventurers since they see quite a few everyday... Perhaps the zombies in the swamps can lend you a helping hand? (or head!)

-Rumours that the Grim Reaper himself is making an appearance are completely unconfirmed, but that's probably because everyone who saw him was already dead. Just be sure that if you do decide to visit the reaper to make sure you bank your items first!

Please note - The halloween event will be removed next week. The zombie head and the horror emote will remain, but only for those lucky enough to unlock them this week! All the zombies, Lumbridge kids and sweets will vanish.

So, what does this mean?? How do you get in on getting the stuff?

Here's what you do:

Go to the swamps south of Lumbridge and interact with the zombies 3-4 times, until he takes his head off and you can pick it up. You can only have one zombie head at any time, and they are NOT TRADEABLE.

Once you have the zombie head, go into Lumbridge itself and look for the little kids running around. Interact with them, and Trick them, which will make you offer to scare them - and you'll scare them with the zombie head, freaking the kids out and causing them to drop candies!

An important thing to note is the the candies are immediately visible to everyone in the area, so you need to be quick to snatch it up. The candies are NOT TRADEABLE, but apparently they have a cute little emote when you eat them.

The third thing introduced is the Grim Reaper, but from what I've been able to figure, folks are NOT getting any items from the Reaper - the scythe that some people may have is a drop from a PREVIOUS Halloween.

Am I missing any info? Please post a comment here!

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At 11/08/2005 11:38:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The grimreaper wont drop items, youl only see it when you die.
It does nothing, its just a funny picture when your killed.

At 11/18/2005 03:16:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

um a bit l8 now but there was an emote 'scared' that came ut as well


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