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Sunday, October 30, 2005

How To Be Annoying On Runescape Or Other Online Role Playing Games

Short version of this post:

No, I will not give you anything for free, and I will not loan you any money. I will, however, offer jobs to those who don't mind doing work to get the money or equipment they desire. So, YES, ASK ME ABOUT A JOB and feel free to ask me for Runescape tips, but NO, DON'T ASK FOR ANY MONEY OR OBJECTS FOR FREE.

In fact, don't even tell me how broke you are, or how poor you are. I don't want to hear about it, you're in the same boat as 80% of the Runescape population.

Long version of this post:

Free online role playing games are a lot of fun, specifically because there are SO many people to meet and talk to (or attack and kill), as well as so many things to do on the game, and so many places to go...

But they're also annoying sometimes, because with free online games come a whole bunch of people who can't afford the registered/members version of the game, and it seems that among these players there are a higher percentage of folks who display Annoying Behavior, and who seemingly don't realize it's annoying.

This entry is dedicated to the education of all individuals as to what denotes Annoying Behavior on an Online Role Playing Game.

Mainly it's this:


Begging is when you ask for something for free from someone you barely know.

If you've spent a few weeks chatting and exchanging Runescape tips and getting to know someone, you might have built up enough good will in the relationship to borrow something, and that's a different story.

I'm talking about the folks who talk to me for 10 minutes or less and are then asking me "is there anything you have that you don't want that you could give to me?", "I got hacked/I died, can I have some money/equipment?" and "wow you must have a lot of money, could I borrow 50k?" or the likes. I've even been asked by people if I'd pay REAL money for them to become members!!!

You think there's no big deal in asking the for a few in-game items for free, but know this: the person you're asking (ie: me) has probably been asked that question by 10 different people already today, and 10 people yesterday and 10 people the day before...

You're seen as JUST ANOTHER BEGGAR. Beggars are annoying on the game just like they are in Real Life when you're walking down the street and 5-10 complete or near-complete strangers come up and ask you for change.

Please don't beg for handouts from me. I'm perfectly willing to give you a "job" cutting wood or mining ores, and I'll even pay you in cash or equipment (up to and including mith stuff) so you get what you need, but the quickest way to my Ignore list and permanent non-chat status with me is to beg for handouts.

Begging just is NOT cool.

And in closing, advertising how broke or poor you are isn't cool either - it's begging without even having the guts to ask the direct question of "can I have something from you to relieve my broke or poor situation?"

We now return you to your regularly scheduled blogging, and I apologize to you non-beggars out there for having to read this, although I'm sure you agree wholeheartedly with this post.


At 11/01/2005 11:41:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh my god, you are so right i hate those ass whipes begging their asses off all day long, i wish they would go to hell!!!

At 11/01/2005 01:51:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heh... How true this is. I was a nice player, helping peole to upgrade equipment (such as giving them a mithral axe when I see them mining coal with a bronze axe), but then I found the person I just helped insisting I give them anything and everything ("Can I have 100k? I need to buy a sword."). At times, I wish that begging was against the ToS, but no such luck...

At 11/01/2005 11:59:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, beggers are annoying, but sometimes they are just little kids who don't know any better. They are trying to have fun like everybody else. And anonymous number 1 wishes them to hell? Boy, watch out for the bad karma that must be headed your way. Peace, love and patience to you all.

At 11/02/2005 12:02:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

oops...I just misspelled "begger." I hope I'm not too annoying

At 11/05/2005 07:43:00 AM , Blogger D L said...

The most embarassing thing is to see a lvl 60 on a Members world - and they are begging.

Runescape provides free money to all players - just go and mine it, chop it, or just pick it up!


At 11/12/2005 06:36:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well,it's ture,beggars are anoying,but sometimes their just noobs that dont know how to play.Sometimes they just create a new account to get free things.Oh well i hate them anyways...

At 11/14/2005 09:49:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i mean its ok if u do it becuse ur 1 gp of an item but other wise just dont beg. it make u look like an idiot.

At 11/14/2005 06:02:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

How true. Surely people re-enforce this, and i've seen it done as well. They get things by begging, hence why they do it..=/ Just isn't right, guys. Begging annoys people. It might get you a little bit of what you are looking for, but it can't get you anywhere far.

A rule that goes for about anything RS related, or in real life:

You want something? You need to work for it.

At 11/16/2005 07:36:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i used to help out these people who just died, or just started playing, but then thay started asking if i would give them more things and be there gf.

At 11/18/2005 03:24:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find it terribly annoying when you have a beggar that won't quit following you, and they can't be new to the game, (i think people make new characters to p*** people off) even when they are combat 12 or what ever, they follow me through worlds and nothing happens when i report them for calling me a ****ing **** because i wont give them the rune boots i happen to be wearing... annoying...

At 11/28/2005 11:16:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

just cause i have 17385456.6521 mil
doesent mean i worked for it to give it away omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! noobs ;(

At 12/03/2005 10:34:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

So true... On at least 3 different occasions a day i get told by someone, "Hey nice sara" or "I like your hat". Then they expect me to give them free stuff and insist on being friends.(Who wants to be friends with a level 17?) When i refuse their request they say that they'll report me and I'll be banned...

At 12/04/2005 02:35:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree. Most begging players are noobs. I have noticed a large increase in the amount of low level members in the past few weeks, and am worried. They obviously don't seem to be embarrassed whatsoever. One time I was walking along around lumbridge to buy a mithril axe for my friend (new player, know him in real life) and a level 4 comes up behind me asking "OMFG PHR33 ST00F PL0X!!!". When I decline, he continues it, in different colors.When I continue to decline, he begins trade spamming me, and eventually he walks away and starts pming me with threats about how his dad owns jagex and he is going to get me banned. When I say "bullshi*!" He says "OMFG U NOOB 1 @M 601/\/6 2 H4X0R UR B0X!"
At this point, I just turned private chat to friends. The next time I logged on, as soon as I turned my private chat back on, I said "OH wow, all my stuff is missing, you really are a great hacker!"

He logged out.

At 12/07/2005 11:05:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i totally agree with you i have only been playing a few weeks and haven't begged for shit.i earn evcerything ive got and i'll be dead before i ever beg anyone for anything

At 12/09/2005 08:50:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i too hate those beggars normally i make full iron for new players,but i know most of them in real life. dude why should i give my money to you when it takes so long to get it? maybe 100 gold is ok,but freakin 50k? come on dude

At 12/11/2005 04:23:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i feel your pain, me myself when i was a newbie to the game, i never begged or thretrend to report people if they didint hand over their booty, instead i got my fishing up and woodcutting, i was lvl 12 and i had 50 fishing and 30 wc! and now, i am aving up for full rune by selling things, however, i know someone who asked me if he could 'borrow' 40k guess what lvl he is......... 90! omg noobs

At 12/11/2005 04:35:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I almost always make full iron for people hanging around lumbridge. I even help out the beggars who walk around stating they just died and needed supplies. However, soon I was being bombed by private messages "Hey! my friend ************ said that you would help me out! Could I have 10K or something?" or "Hey man my friend said you would help me so could you help me on this quest?". After I help them, some of them just want more and more. However, sometimes it can be rewarding to help out the new players. Usually if you help somebody it stick with them and they'll also help other players out. It passes on! Oh btw if you ever really need help add Irwin91 to your friends list. :P

At 12/12/2005 05:00:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i need a job where i can get paid good money on lv 32 and im a pure mage just so u know. My name in runscape is - down not a member just so u know. these are my stats

i concentrate on other lvls often more than my combat lv cuz i need money and like my stats high.:)

so once again, my name in runscape is down strike so add him if u need a worker.:p

At 12/18/2005 10:18:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

can i get a job my combat lvl is 23 and i was thinking if i could get a job to get amor so i can go to the wildy and kill those ass wipes who beg all the time my user name is jack bleamel

At 12/19/2005 08:18:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello can i have a job i love you your nice

At 1/08/2006 03:10:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dislike beggars, but I'd rather have them be populated than people who harrass with jokes like "I have a coc thats 3 ft, so it'll fit in your puci just fine". These commments are vulgar, and harrassing, and sexally offencive. Atleast the little kid beggars go away when you wish them to, unlike pople who follow you around making sick, and vulgar comments.

Peace and love to the beggars

No mercy to the sexall harrasers.

At 1/09/2006 08:46:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

u said sumting about jobs im Immortal138 in runescape

At 1/20/2006 09:59:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

once i was in lummy i met 2 ppl who was lvl 6 and 8 who followed me the whole way to karamja just asking for "free stuff" and "can u be my gf?" "why dont u want to be my gf?" "i love you!" "can i have 7k?" "can i have some armor?" and they were following me like 1 hour just saying "please" "please" "please" "please" i was just saying piss off from me! i gave them full steel and mith scimmi, then they still were begging! i changed w but they still followed me in other worlds 2. i had rune armor on me so i couldt run from them. i logged out and i wasnt on for like 2 weeks. i hate beggers..

At 2/02/2006 06:09:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG I think you are right,when you say noobs are annoying when they say their dad owns runescaspe and he will ban u if u don't give him free stuff. One guy was a noob on the street and he threatened to tell his dad the owner of runescape to shut runescape down,(He was a lvl 23 noob no life)

At 2/05/2006 08:06:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very true lets face it we al hate em (I'm a non member sadly). I have one friends in real life on runescape so we share things on it and help with our leveling. works great actually :D with real friends theres more of a comradery. Just today I had some guy nearly the same level come up to me wanting to buy something. I happened to be reading something else and flicking back to runescape to keep my character walking to a town, and this guy keep following me wanting to buy something. EXCEPT after about three seconds of not answering him he yells out i'm macro-ing. I tell him to piss off and he starts trade spamming me. Then he pms saying how much he would offer. Frankly people yelling you're macroing seems more scarery to me now :S

At 3/17/2006 04:13:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

hehe thats funny i know im generous :) i gave out 10k without any1 asking me so that they wont bug me i remember tat there were ppl running after me saying : "plz i noob" or "i am new here" and they r lv 30 XD well i gave them 30-100k so they left after that i got poor lol.. fortunatly one of the guys i gave 100k helped he had millions thanks to me :)

well if some one runs after u begging what u should do is select one of my master plans:

1-tell him that u cant give him anything and ur sorry
(if u wanna try end this quikly)
tell him u got no money (u gotta unequip all ur cool stuff :P)
(if he dosent stop go to 2)
2-tell him option 1 3-7 times
(dosent work go to 3)
3-Tell him a way for making money like minning essence so he will go make his own cash
(still presisting? thats a tough noob u got there!! go to 4)
4-tell him to go away !!!
(after this if he dosent stop u can go to th second LEVEL !)

check out my guide on
For level 2,3,4,5 :)
(it will be there in less than a week)

At 4/01/2006 11:14:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah. It seems if you are wearing full rune you are a prime target for scamming and begging. Heck, I've had noobs follow me from lumby to lvl 50 wildy begging for a million. "OH PLPLZPZPZLPZL ITS JUST A MILLION!!1111oneoneone" Im just sitting here going: "What the hell? I just made 100k and you are just following me begging" Then the noob asks for that. I've heard some people committed suicide from being called a noob, but of course you are going to be called a noob if you have no social skills and no game skills. If you dont have either of those you are going to suck at games. It isn't as bad when they are just poor and they only ask you ONCE but come on! "plzgiveonemill! Its only one mill!" If it was ONLY one mill, you could earn it your self, right?

That concludes my rant. Good day.

At 4/03/2006 01:25:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

GO NUMBER 3!!!!!!!! number 3 is so true, btw im not a begger tho...used to be my hobby:D

Number 3 person, u sohuld be a player mod. GO U

At 4/20/2006 04:01:00 PM , Blogger tom said...

I completely understand the begging thing... I have been known to give things away and just log off or walk away quickly... Most of the time they don't have a quick enough time to harass me later... I have never asked for a handout from anyone (except for someone I know in real life... and I just borrowed). I have died with nothing in the bank and respawned with the three things I had on me... I now have half a million in the bank and have worked EXTREMELY hard for it. Mining mostly. If people ask for free stuff and tell me that they have nothing... I tell them where a bronze pickaxe respawns... if they are that much of a noob... I walk them to it. There is an unlimited source of income out in runescape and I got NONE of my things from begging.

At 6/28/2006 05:40:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Most runescape beggers just don't know that if you need a quck 100gp, go kill a monster or a fewor sell some crap from there banks to buy better stuff with. I make money really easy on rs. All I do is go kill a monster and take the money, even if it is 1gp or a crap item. I even take any money on the ground even if i am mineing i will take a coin off the ground. Also when a begger comes up to me and says "can i ahve some money?" I say wait here and withdraw my 2.8m and show tit to them. Then i decline and say "get a job!" Here is a tip for beggars, go screw your begging habbits and go mine becuz u make money a hell of alot faster then you damn begging. And if no 1 agrees wit me i say screw you! lol

At 8/12/2006 08:26:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey I have a REALLY good idea. If there following you begging just start walking north to the wilderness to kill them.;) It works for me.

PS:I am willing to work for sum1 PM me in Runescape at Bunnygirl101

At 9/05/2006 06:22:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i actually used to be a beggar noob.....but once i was a high lvl and got begged i knew exactly how those noobs following me felt....thats why i made a pure so they wouldnt bother but still noobs are gonna be bothered by beggars some day so if you were supposedly a beggar you shouldnt go ranting the beggar noobs.......but i agree that them noobs suck...even if i was one i admit i suck.....

At 9/11/2006 10:46:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok--I've been playing for only a couple of weeks and I've never begged. There have been folks who have run up to me and given me things out of blue (Thanks) and I've done the same for a few people when I have extra items. I have to say, I've worked very hard and grown quickly--Magic 38/rune making is 30 and going up fast/smithing is 41. I have to say I hate being disrespected just cuz I'm not a big level yet. When I made it past the wolves to find flax, I felt that there were people virtually spitting on me and nasty things were said cuz I'm not a high level. Mind you..I would never beg or ask for anything. On the other side, I cannot stand the folks who literally follow me cuz I am wearing something nice. These people are like stalkers! I'm not even rich yet and they keep asking for stuff off of my back--and there are PLENTY of very high level experienced beggers who try to take advantage of a "noob" like me--assuming I dont know what my items are worth. I was nice to this one creap in Lumbridge and then he pulled out all his riches for me to see--he had a low level too. Please remember that not all "noobs" are evil. Keep in mind, you were once new too and some folks need to stop being so nasty and let us new hardworking folks enjoy the game--we are not all beggars.

At 10/15/2006 02:20:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i to hate it when people beg u for items like when i was lvl 30 a lvl 17 archer was killing mages in the mage tower he knows im there and hes leting himself get killed well he dies and dropes BUTTLOADS of stuff like 15 sharks 1milgp 20 airs and minds im like HOLY **** walk over pick it up an dgo upstairs like i was going in the first place to train mage well the dude added me to his friend list and is pming me off the charts saying "give me back my gold u theif" i pm him back saying "u saw me there and u let urself die just so u could yell at me huh?" he says back to me "My dad is andrew and is gonna ban u im going to talk to him right now about it" i just say "u know what this is what i hate about people like u blaming everybody they saw for their misfortion" and i shut priv chat off.

At 12/11/2006 08:38:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

them noobs, i just have my legion of noobness behind me and stuff, one time i typed in: wow, i got a iron dagger, one of my noobs said: OMFG!! propro5 GOT A IRON DAGGER! HE WINZORZ!!!!!!!!!!1111! then another one said:how can 1 m1n3 4 f15h? well put people on the ignore list, i know some people in real life just to log in and spam me, and my username is propro5, honest player since 2003, and if they dont stop, give them a free gift (weak wepons work) and then log out and switch worlds

At 12/14/2006 11:51:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only time ive ever begged was once when i needed to get into al karid thru the toll, and it was only once. some people give away stuff without people begging for it. like one time a guy asked my my defence level, i told, him and he said..."here" and gave me an addy kite for free!

At 12/20/2006 02:22:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree that begging is annoying, but sometimes it gets so out of hand, like somebody begging for 5 gp on a members server. I calmly told this person "Go pickpocket a man twice, you'll get 6 gp." They inquired where, etc etc, I told them where, and they continued to beg for 5 gp! I ran over, pickpocketed a man, got 6 gp, and traded it to this person, and they were filled with glee about a whole 6 gp. I also said to this person, "This is what you get from pickpocketing a man!" "You can do this at level 1 thieving!"

It just annoys me, for the simple reason of...they're ignorant. It's different when somebody is begging for something, I direct them in the right way, and they go to do it themselves. At least that shows some initiative, but when they continue to beg for such a small amount, it's more irritating than anything. =.=

Great site =) I think I'll start coming here more often ;p

At 3/19/2007 07:10:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i am so rich i can give evenone 1 gp yes 1gp it's took me a year to get 1k oh yes 1k because i merchant hammers

At 3/26/2007 11:02:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I honistly h8 beggers im lvl 56 neva once have i begged they r soo anoyin ok there r some kids who dont know how to play so why dont they ask?its easy all u have to say is"umm how do u make money?" simple does that sound hard?

At 6/12/2007 07:59:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey i need a job mining preferred
or cowhides but most anything is fine

message me

screen name---Smart sage

At 6/22/2007 04:49:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi i just came on this blog and i agree with it totally. Some people call me a noob because i take coins that other players don't take. even get some stuff from other members without asking for them. i hate begging for stuff so i don't do it and don't like it if others do it.

At 8/05/2007 04:25:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I need a minin job now!!! My minin lvl is 57 and all i do is mine p ess. In 1 day i can get 3k p ess!!! In 1 week i can probably get 15k p ess!!! I try to sell 1k p ess for 100k but people do like 90k those "NOOBS". So add me if u need a person who mines p ess. My username is "punk181920".

At 8/25/2007 09:36:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes beggars are wrong i used to be 1 and yes i stopped and decided to do somthing now ill be walking down lumby and ill see a lv 3 ask me for fre stuff all i say is get 40 fishing get 1k lobs bye


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