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Friday, December 09, 2005

Question about raising Runescape crafting with clay

Recently I posted some advice that Gyro had given about strategies for raising mining and crafting skills together and reader Qopitar left a good question:

Qopitar wrote:

"Since my mining and crafting are both miserably low, I thought I'd give your strategy a try. Mining clay near Varrock is going just fine, but mixing the clay with water is obnoxiously tedious! The way I've been doing it is : I carry a buck with me. When I have a backpack full of all clay and the bucket, I go to the water east of the main fountain in Varrock and fill bucket, use clay on bucket, fill bucket, use clay, etc. I then bank all of my wet clay. Is there any easier way of doing this or is this just part of the price I have to pay? :)"

Personally, I try to do all of my skills in 'batches', depending on where it's most efficient to do specific skills. Therefore, I'd recommend:
  • mine 100-200 clay first
  • move on to Falador where the water fountain is very close to the bank, do your mixing there
  • then move on to Edgeville bank and run back and forth from the pottery wheel and oven which is in the south part of Barbarian Village

I find in general it's much more efficient to do things in "bulk" stages like this, so that's what I personally recommend!


At 12/09/2005 11:35:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey thanks, that helps a lot!

One thing that I didn't know when I first started with the clay is - You get crafting experience from making bowls on the wheel and you *also* get crafting experience from cooking the bowls in the furnace. I just threw away my first couple of batches of unfired bowls. Whoops! Don't be lazy like I was, be sure to cook those bowls.

At 12/09/2005 02:21:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The key is 50/50 spilt. in West Falador Bank, get 14 buckets in your backpack. Take all clay. ie fill rest backpack with 14 clay. Run to fountain. Use bucket on fountain (THis will fill all 14 buckets.) Now this is the trick, move one of the water filled buckets to the bottom right hand corner of the backpack screen. Then quickly click on it and the clay to its left. These two items wont shift until the other 13 wet clay are formed. Jog back to bank deposit soft clay and take 14 more. This is much quicker than filling one bucket and then one soft clay.

At 12/12/2005 12:58:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gyro, you rock! Thanks so much, this is exactly what I was looking for. I don't mind mining clay, and making bowls and then firing them is no biggie, but mixing that clay with water one by one is horrible! :) I'll try your 14 buckets technique out tonight, thanks again!

At 12/13/2005 02:10:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

another tip,

After you made your soft clay at the fountain, dont forget to use bucket on fountain to fill the 14 prior to returning to bank. Then when you go to deposit your soft clay. you can quickly make 14 more soft clay, before returning to the fountain.

Clay and empty buckets to fountain, and soft clay and water filled bucket to bank.

At 1/28/2006 11:41:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i suggest u use 1 bucket and 27 clay...........Stand near the varrok east bank fountain. Fill the bucket then make soft clay..This way you can make the soft clay faster than the 14 buckets method cos u will have to walk around less with 27 clay in your inventory--Ragnarok1331

At 2/22/2006 08:49:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Im glad there is sommeone here to help newbies out like u and if any newbies need anything bronze iron or steel i sell i also trade for raw materials like logs and ore

pm me:claw029


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