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Thursday, January 19, 2006

Members high-level Runescape Mining Tips

Wow! Drawrof strikes again with more great information!

Drawrof1 / Drawrof writes

"Mid to High Level, member advice.
Please note that I am a level 90 jack of all trades.

I have the following stats:
73 attack (can wield rune pick axe)
72 mining (can mine adamite)
62 smithing (can smith mith kite or mith claws plus draven stout)
57 crafting(can craft Diamond Necklace but never do, i make rings of life)
67 Magic(High Alch and Enchant Diamond or Dragonstone with magic pot)

Here are some Tips
1.) Follow the yellow brick road. Having completed the Family Crest and the between the rock and... quests, one has access to very quick smithing experience. Choose the Gold Gauntlets from the brother in the scorp mine and you now gain 56.2 smithing experience for each gold bar smelted. This is a little less than the combined smelt/smith experience for a mith bar. However, one load (28) gold bars gives 1574 smithing experience, while one load of mith(5 mith and 20 coal) gives 400 smithing experience, admittingly it take less time to smelt. Futhermore the gold mine in the between a rock has tons of gold and takes no time to fill backpack.

2.) Superheat Swamp Mith Sorties.
Wield a fire staff and ring of dueling, carry in back pack rune pick, 24 nature runes and Lumbridge Tele runes. Tele to Lumbridge, take short cut through fence, and run to lumbridge swamp mine. Normally this mine is pretty empty. Now mine the 5 mith rocks, and then the coal while waiting for respawn. When you have 4, 8 or 12 coals, use superheat to make a mith bar. Continue to do so until you have 24 bars. It will get tight at the end so you may have to drop one or two bars for a bit to allow for 4 space for coal. Once all mith is full, fill two more spots with addy, mith or coal, then unwield ring and tele to CW. Note if you are wearing the Ammy of Glory make sure you bring a chisel. You get experience for cutting gems, and you may as well if you are going to drop the gems. Just drop your chisel when things get full.

3) Maximize your High Alchemy.
When you are smithing an item, make sure that it make the most bang for your buck. Smithing experience depends on bars smithed rather than items created. 1 bar items increase in value, then you can create 2 bar items, however it sometimes makes more sense to continue to make 1 bar items because they make more money. Note that I dont put a value on the cost of a nature runes for I counteract this with the magic experience I gain from casting the High Alch spell. It is a personal choice. I also runecraft my own natures.

So for example. at level 55 smithing you can smith a 1 bar mith Sword or a 2 bar mith Scimitar. When you high alch you get 507 gp per sword or 1014 gp for 2 bars. However, the scimitar only gives 624 gp. This is a 390 gp deficit. Which if you allot a 300 gp value to the nature, it pays for itself and give bonus magic exp. So look to smith items that give max. high alch values for there bars. Certainly avoid the "first" step ups in bar categories.

eg. Mithril bar level maximums.
1 bar - Swords (507 gp per bar)
2 bars - Sq. Shield (468 per bar)
3 bars - 2-H Sword, Skirt or Legs (520 gp per bar)
5 bars - Always more value in a category, Platebody (622 per bar)

2 Bars - Scimitars and longs
3 bars - Warhammers and Battles Axes"

Great stuff!!


At 2/04/2006 12:46:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

how do i get rune stuff at like a special shop?

At 2/05/2006 06:14:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man I love this advise it's given me quite a few levels and I seem to get a little more respect!!

At 4/13/2006 08:03:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

by the way if u mine 4 a long time straight u get mor random event and gems

At 4/21/2006 04:41:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

That guide makes little sense, your best off smithing the most bars you can in one item, so what if you get less per bar you will use less nature runes and get more profit.


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