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Sunday, July 15, 2007

Mage Training Minigame strategy by Drawrof

Another great contribution by Drawrof, who has given us some great content in this blog over the years - Thanks D, hope you're still checking in periodically while the site had been dormant.

Drawrof writes:

"I spent some time in the Mage Training minigame. In particular I went to the Alchemist Playground. I took a fire staff and 100 natures. What I thought would be a short trip ended up lasting a long time. Here was my stategy.

1 - Casting High Alchemy gains 65 experience.
2 - Waiting for "Green Arrow" allows for all of that indicated item to be converted for free.
3 - I would accumulate 8 of a particular item, those that had not been given the green arrow lately.
4 - Every now and then I would convert 30 without the arrow.
5 - the items are sorted in the cupboards in clockwise order, according to the list (Boots, Kite, Helm, Emerald, Long) So if you are looking for a long and you find a helm, more 2 cupboards to the right and you will find the long.
6 - do not save coins for big deposit. Your computer may crash and you will lose all the coins. Therefore it is best to continue to deposit.
7 - although Im level 69 mage, this method is best for a level 21 member mage. The money that you collect for low alch compare to high alch is the same. Therefore the magic bonus of 2 times the money deposited is the same.


With only 100 Natures I was able to deposit over 10,000 gp. Averaging about 10 gp per cast, or 1000 high alchs.

total Experience:
1000 High Alchs- 65,000
10,000 gp X 2 - 20,000 bonus
total 85,000

Yes you do not get the gps of high alching mith armor. However, most mages high alch at a loss. This method takes discipline and sometime. However, you can cast an infinate number of alch spells with only 1 nature rune and 5 fire runes in your inventory.

This makes mage advancement abosolutely free after level 21 for all members. If you were to do the same for low alch at level 21, you could be level 45 in one after noon. try it out."

Wow! Excellent, I'm always into free skill levelling, myself! Great way to save cash is to not spend it after all.

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Friday, July 06, 2007

Reader Tip: Powerlevelling your PK character

Some people really take some excellent time in their notes in my blog, I'm blown away by the detail and amount of information shared! Thank you!

Here's one such donation, by an Anonymous writer, in response to the post about Mage and Range: Powerful but Expensive:

NOTE! I didn't write this but thought it was good enough to pull to the front and share.

"its pretty simple if u wanna b good pker.

a)fish. skip sardines, pike, and tuna when training. when u can fish lobbies, get about 100 cooked and sell for 25-30k

b)buy tons and tons of bronze and iron arrows with the money.

c)kill chickens untill ur range is 10, then go to cows untill 20, then go to barbarians untill it is 30(make sure to bury all bones u get). now here comes the big money

d)get a brass key and go to the hill giants. there are multiple ranger spots that you can use. make sure to train on rapid, keep ONLY THE BIG BONES and expensive runes(natures, laws, deaths, chaos)

e)sell all your big bones when you run out of arrows. they sell from 300-410 each. buy more arrows and get more big bones, do that untill u got 60-70 range( i recommend 70)

f) buy as many rune ess as u can in world 1-4. ull hav like 2-3 mil at least so u shouldnt hav to worry about prices too much

g)do runes mysteries, and start making airs until u get 17 runecrafting. then, make minds until u get 22 rc(make sure to use edgeville bank for mind runes), then airs untill 28 rc, minds until 33 rc, airs until 39 rc, minds until 44 rc, and so on until u run out of ess

h)get mage to 13, then start using fire strike at hill giants. if u feel like it, then u can go to the leser demons and kill from there, but make sure u got good connection, food, and not too many runes(keep it at 500 minds and 1k airs per trip)

i)ull hav tons of money, so use it. i suggest gettin all the deaths and addy arrows that u can. get some ess also so u can make airs and fires.

j) now heres the fun part...owning every1 in sight! bring teleport varrok runes, binds, 100 fire blasts, and 100 addy arrows in ur inventory. here is the suit u gotta wear to walk on every1:

helm: blue mage hat
ammy: power ammy, glory ammy for p2p
shirt: blue mage top
pants: best d-hide chaps u can wear
weapon: best shortbow that u can use

find sum1 with full rune in the wilderness in a less crowded world, but make sure that he is max 10 lvls higher than u( i suggest varrok wildy, they like to go ther). now, most of the time, he will attk u. bind him once and run. u will weigh about 20 kg and the full rune person about 45 kg, so he will run out of energy fast. when he starts walking, you start walking also. keep taking him deeper and deeper and start ranging him down. this is where multiple binds are useful. when ranging him down, also use fire blasts every 2 range hits. if he starts running, then bind him. there are rarely any full rune peeps taht can "run" from u. they like always die

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