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Monday, October 31, 2005

Runescape Holiday Drops: Halloween 2005

NOTE: THIS IS OVER - If you didn't get your ZOMBIE HEAD, it's TOO LATE. And as for the Little Kids and Candies, they're gone! But Grim Reaper apparently still comes when you die...

The Halloween Update has been put into place on Runescape!

Quoted from the Runescape site:

Shadies and Gentleghouls....Mwa haha ha haaa ha..... it’s halloween!! For this week only there are some spooky halloween events running....

-The Lumbridge swamps are definitely not for the faint hearted this time of year. The halloween zombies are around, and not only are they terrifying enough to unlock the new Scared emote, but you can collect your very own zombie head to talk to (if you can catch it), as a spooooky halloween souvenir.

-Dust off those old bits of costume and head over to Lumbridge where the local kids are trick or treating!! Sadly the kids aren’t too scared of adventurers since they see quite a few everyday... Perhaps the zombies in the swamps can lend you a helping hand? (or head!)

-Rumours that the Grim Reaper himself is making an appearance are completely unconfirmed, but that's probably because everyone who saw him was already dead. Just be sure that if you do decide to visit the reaper to make sure you bank your items first!

Please note - The halloween event will be removed next week. The zombie head and the horror emote will remain, but only for those lucky enough to unlock them this week! All the zombies, Lumbridge kids and sweets will vanish.

So, what does this mean?? How do you get in on getting the stuff?

Here's what you do:

Go to the swamps south of Lumbridge and interact with the zombies 3-4 times, until he takes his head off and you can pick it up. You can only have one zombie head at any time, and they are NOT TRADEABLE.

Once you have the zombie head, go into Lumbridge itself and look for the little kids running around. Interact with them, and Trick them, which will make you offer to scare them - and you'll scare them with the zombie head, freaking the kids out and causing them to drop candies!

An important thing to note is the the candies are immediately visible to everyone in the area, so you need to be quick to snatch it up. The candies are NOT TRADEABLE, but apparently they have a cute little emote when you eat them.

The third thing introduced is the Grim Reaper, but from what I've been able to figure, folks are NOT getting any items from the Reaper - the scythe that some people may have is a drop from a PREVIOUS Halloween.

Am I missing any info? Please post a comment here!

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Sunday, October 30, 2005

Runescape Newbie Guide Opinion Poll - Member or Non-Member?

Hey all! I used to have a Bravenet poll up on the site so I could find out more about the readership and be able to post things that are more targetted towards y'all, but Bravenet caused annoying pop-ups for folks who didn't even participate in their poll, so I took it down.

I've now found another Free Poll hosting provider I'd like to try out. It DOES have a pop-up (pop-under actually) when you vote, but at least now it's not popping up every time you see a poll on the website.

I'd appreciate it if you'd vote in my polls, because it would really help target my articles towards what you like and away from what you don't like.

To start, here's a poll inquiring about the Membership status of the readership. I write mainly non-member materials on this blog and I'm wondering if I should be doing more of the Member materials or not.

Thanks for your contribution!

What is your membership status with the online role playing game Runescape?
I am a Member
I am a Non-Member
I don't play
Free polls from

Quick Runescape money running runes

When you're playing the free online role playing game Runescape, you do many things.

Sometimes you gear up and fight monsters. Sometimes you dress lightly and mine ores or chop wood or fish. Sometimes you remove your best equipment and put on your second-best set, bring a bunch of lobbies or swordies, and head out into the Wilderness to explore in the dangerous territory of Player Killer land.

But, those are all things where you're doing things mainly for yourself. I'd like to introduce a one of the main ways you can do something for yourself, while also providing a very worthwhile service to another player, and making money while doing so. One of the many Runescape tips that I use personally!

Money in Running

"Running" on Runescape and likely other online role playing games means this: As simple as possible... one player is at a specific spot on the game, doing a specific task (say, crafting fire runes), and other players (usually more than one) are running back and forth between that player and the bank.

The "runner" players are providing the stationery player with raw materials (rune essence) to do what they're doing there, and at the same time are receiving a share of the product (runes) being created.

So, in the end, for your running back and forth, you'll get a bit of free money in Runescape in the form of runes, and if you're lucky, you won't even have to "spend" any rune essence. Some traders will ask you to bring 27 rune essence to them, and in return they'll give you 27 noted rune essence and 27 runes of the type they're crafting! Then, you head back to the bank, deposit it all and withdraw the 27 essence to start the process all over!

What a great deal!

So... are you a rune CRAFTER or a rune RUNNER? Please post a comment here with your player name on the game if you're interested in getting pm's from other players about this topic. It would be great to have a few Crafters listed here as well as a few Runners.

How To Be Annoying On Runescape Or Other Online Role Playing Games

Short version of this post:

No, I will not give you anything for free, and I will not loan you any money. I will, however, offer jobs to those who don't mind doing work to get the money or equipment they desire. So, YES, ASK ME ABOUT A JOB and feel free to ask me for Runescape tips, but NO, DON'T ASK FOR ANY MONEY OR OBJECTS FOR FREE.

In fact, don't even tell me how broke you are, or how poor you are. I don't want to hear about it, you're in the same boat as 80% of the Runescape population.

Long version of this post:

Free online role playing games are a lot of fun, specifically because there are SO many people to meet and talk to (or attack and kill), as well as so many things to do on the game, and so many places to go...

But they're also annoying sometimes, because with free online games come a whole bunch of people who can't afford the registered/members version of the game, and it seems that among these players there are a higher percentage of folks who display Annoying Behavior, and who seemingly don't realize it's annoying.

This entry is dedicated to the education of all individuals as to what denotes Annoying Behavior on an Online Role Playing Game.

Mainly it's this:


Begging is when you ask for something for free from someone you barely know.

If you've spent a few weeks chatting and exchanging Runescape tips and getting to know someone, you might have built up enough good will in the relationship to borrow something, and that's a different story.

I'm talking about the folks who talk to me for 10 minutes or less and are then asking me "is there anything you have that you don't want that you could give to me?", "I got hacked/I died, can I have some money/equipment?" and "wow you must have a lot of money, could I borrow 50k?" or the likes. I've even been asked by people if I'd pay REAL money for them to become members!!!

You think there's no big deal in asking the for a few in-game items for free, but know this: the person you're asking (ie: me) has probably been asked that question by 10 different people already today, and 10 people yesterday and 10 people the day before...

You're seen as JUST ANOTHER BEGGAR. Beggars are annoying on the game just like they are in Real Life when you're walking down the street and 5-10 complete or near-complete strangers come up and ask you for change.

Please don't beg for handouts from me. I'm perfectly willing to give you a "job" cutting wood or mining ores, and I'll even pay you in cash or equipment (up to and including mith stuff) so you get what you need, but the quickest way to my Ignore list and permanent non-chat status with me is to beg for handouts.

Begging just is NOT cool.

And in closing, advertising how broke or poor you are isn't cool either - it's begging without even having the guts to ask the direct question of "can I have something from you to relieve my broke or poor situation?"

We now return you to your regularly scheduled blogging, and I apologize to you non-beggars out there for having to read this, although I'm sure you agree wholeheartedly with this post.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Quick Runescape money using Cow Hides

Cow hides (coming, of course, from cows) are not wonderfully convenient to collect, and not very lucrative if you collected them and sold them to the shop, but they're easy to get a hold of and quite lucrative if you're in the right city and selling them at the bank through the Player Market.

In Runescape Cow hides are the very first thing that Crafters work with in large quantities to raise their Crafting skill, and since Crafting is available on both the Members and Non-Members servers, you're guaranteed to find someone online who is working on building that skill and who is looking to buy 100, 500 or even 1000 and more cow hides!

Wait, it gets better - not only will players be looking for large amounts of cow hides, they're willing to pay 100-125gp for EACH COW HIDE! Just think - 4 runs back and forth to the cow fields and bringing back a nearly-full inventory of hides, you'd likely end up with 100 hides, and you could sell them for 10-12k.

Tell me that's not as easy as (cow?) pie?!?!

All right, so you know how many you're going to collect and how much money you're going to make on it, now you need to know where the best place is to hang around in order to sell your wares.

Al Kahrid is the main central hub for building the skill of Crafting on Runescape. Both on Free and Member servers, there are regularly people there screaming for cow hides. Everyone is also quite familiar with cow hide buying prices, so it's difficult for you to go beyond the range of 100-125gp each hide, but you can try.

There ya go! Another useful tip for getting quick cash on Runescape.

PS: As a bonus, here's a bit of a Runescape money cheat: You can hire low-level players to collect cow hides for you, and you can merchant the hides afterwards without having had to do the actual collection. Offer to pay a low level player 20 gp per cow hide they bring you, tell them you want over 100 hides, and while you pay 2000 coins for the hides, you can turn around and resell them for 8000-10000 coins more! Shh, don't tell the folks you've hired!!

PSS: No, I do not merchant cow hides. I don't sell them either.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Changing your Runescape basic clothing

When you first started playing Runescape, part of the setup of your character was to choose things like hairstyle, haircolor, and clothing styles and colors. From there, most of the changes to your Avatar's appearance will be in the form of the different armors you're wearing.

However, if you're interested in changing your clothing, there is an NPC in Varrock who can help you out with that. Southwest of the statue in the middle of Varrock, there is a clothing shop run by Thessalia - she's who you want to talk to.

For a mere 500 coins (per top or pants change) and a lot of clicking through her chatter, you can get a "makeover" from her which allows you to re-select your top and pants styles and colors.

Check it out if you're tired of lookin' at yourself without armor on!

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Looking for Runescape Clan Websites!

Greetings all!

I'm looking for the URL's to websites that represent currently active Runescape Clans. I am hoping to find PK clans as well as clans that focus more on helping their members build skills as well.

If you know of some you'd like to refer me to, please leave a comment below, and remember that others read this blog, so feel free to advertise a little if it's the clan you're in!

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Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Ode to the Runescape Blast Furnace, pt 2

In the previous Blast Furnace entry, I eluded to some special tips for those working with Mithril and higher at the Runescape Blast Furnace, so this is the entry about that.

Besides just being a highly efficient place to make bars (because using the Blast Furnace halves the number of coal you need when creating steel, mithril, addy and rune), the Blast Furnace is an awesome place to use a bit of strategy to get huge amounts of smithing experience.

This strategy doesn't work with Steel nor Iron in the Blast Furnace area because Jorvik doesn't trade in armors made from those metals.

The basic premise of this strategy is to take a look at Jorvik's inventory, find a world that has 10 or less of some item you can smith, and then do your smithing according to what you discover. Sell your smithed items to Jorvik, and hop worlds when there are over 10 of the items you can smith in the world you're in at the time.

Depending on what time of day you do this, you can stay smithing for an awful long time with the $ you generate from this strategy - buying ores with the money you make, and selling the products to Jorvik, and hopping worlds when the time is right. Your 50k will last and last if you make the right things that Jorvik needs and hop worlds when his store is full or when the ores in the world you're in are below 50 of what you're using. Obviously, the more ores you bring in, the longer you can go as well.

This last bit is, of course, because the less ore in stock, the more expensive it is to buy those ores from Ordan. This is why the general strategy of "super-stocking" Ordan's inventory of any one ore is a decent one if you're all alone in the Blast Furnace, because when you buy them back they'll be cheaper, which is especially important for ores like mithril and above.

Good luck and good smithing!

What I'm Buying Right Now

Last Update: September 2007

As I'm getting an increased number of trade request as a result of this blog, I thought to make a post so folks who read the blog know ahead of time about what I buy and from whom:

Right now I'm using my new site, Runescape Pals to list what I'm buying and what character names to contact.

If you are a low level non-member player and are looking for a job to get you started with some equipment upgrades, contact my player 'Zendrag0n' (note, the 0 is a zero) to take advantage of the following offer:

I will trade you a FULL IRON armor set if you will trade me one of the following:
  • 1000 feathers
  • 500 regular logs
  • 500 cow hides
Full Iron armor set includes:

Iron Platemail
Iron Plate Skirt or Iron Plate Legs
Iron Full Helm
Iron Kiteshield

Contact Zendrag0n (the o is a zero) once you have the goods to trade. No partial trades, please.
Please do not contact ZenDrag0n for other jobs. Refer to the Runescape Pals/Job Board for other jobs available.

NOTE: In order to work for most strangers online, you need your own working equipment. Folks who give you jobs will not provide axes, picks, etc, so you can begin or continue working.

If you're looking to buy or sell, looking for some Runescape friends or PK pals, consider giving a visit!

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Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Becoming a Runescape Member: Valdesta's Reasons, Part 3

Yet another reason why I love to be a member surrounds the topic of mining coal conveniently.

The Coal Trains west of Seers Village and McGruber Woods is a great place to gather coal when that's the only thing you want to mine (and coal is something that is constantly being bought and sold in the Player Market). Because of the way Runescape's coal trains work, you can store up to 120 ores of coal (about 5 inventory loads) in the coal train carts near the mining area, and then run back and pull the ores out from the coal train carts which are near Seers Village bank in order to store them.

The mining area itself has 18 coal rocks to mine, so there's generally enough to go around between the different members worlds (if your world is busy there, hop to another world). There are Dwarf Miners hanging around that you can talk to regarding use of the coal carts, and then in order to put your ores into the cart, you click on an ore in your inventory then click on the coal train cart, and as long as the cart isn't full, all of the ores in your inventory will be placed into it.

There are aggressive lvl 27 Giant Bats around that will attack you if you're low enough level, so keep that in mind if you're a low-level Runescapian.

As with anything else on this game, as well, you don't have to remove the coal ores from the coal carts immediately and nobody else can take your ores - in fact, this time when I visited the carts I found I already had 87 coal ore still waiting in the carts for me, so my mining trip the first time was shortened because I forgot to fully empty the carts last time I was doing this.

Out of all the mining spots on the game, this is my favorite for coal, because of how I can focus first on mining a bunch, then on moving them all to the bank all at once. When I look at how many coal I have in the bank after a bit of coal train mining, I feel a real sense of Runescape accomplishment :)

Remember, when you're mining, only one person can get an ore from a rock, so find some rocks that nobody is standing in front of and stake your claim, but unless you don't mind other people doing it back to you (or if someone IS doing it back to you right now) try to let other people have the rocks they're at, and work on your own. If you have a so-called "mining jerk" (as I call those who don't respect other ppl already mining a rock) hanging around who is higher level and thus faster than you, consider hopping worlds instead of letting yourself feel even one ounce of frustration at the other player (who you cannot control).

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Monday, October 24, 2005

Ode to the Runescape Blast Furnace, pt 1

THIS IS AN ADVANCED *MEMBERS* RUNESCAPE ENTRY. The Blast furnace is best used by those with smithing lvl 60+ and crafting of at least lvl 40.

If I could write poetry about the parts of Runescape that I love for various reasons, the Blast Furnace would be the first thing I'd write about. But... I'm not a poet. Life doesn't come to me in rhymes and I personally don't "get" poetry that doesn't rhyme. To me, if it doesn't rhyme, it's a story, not a poem. But that's my opinion ;)

To be honest, it took me a bit to "get" how to use the Blast Furnace to its full capacity, but once I figured out how to use it to its full potential, life became very easy around the furnace.

I've read other help guides about the Blast Furnace and I'd like to say that I AM going to be incorporating some of their strategies into mine, as I did follow their advice to get partway through my journey towards understanding.

I regularly refer to for information about how things work on Runescape, plus any quest info or minigame info I'm looking for. Blast Furnace is considered a 'minigame' and that's where it's listed on the Rune HQ site. I strongly recommend the Rune HQ site, it has quality content and great stuff that I don't intend to cover in this blog (quest stuff specifically).

But enough about the red tape, let's jump into useful information about the Blast Furnace itself.

First off, in order to make good timely use of the Blast Furnace, it's best if you bring 25k with you if you're making steel bars, and bring all of your ores in note format instead of bringing them load by load. If you're making mithril+ bars, consider bringing 50k with you, but still, bring all of your ores in note format.

Secondly, when you get to the Blast Furnace itself, talk with Ordan and see what his ore situation is like. If someone's been there before you and drained all the coal way down below 100, hop worlds because coal will cost too much to change from note to ores in the world you're currently in. The same thing applies for the iron or mithril+ ores you're going to be using, but I find it's coal that normally gets drained down.

If you're making iron or steel bars, that's all the checking you really have to do - if the ore situation is good, this is a good world to get started in.

If you're making mithril or better bars, you can decide between two strategies - exactly like the iron and steel bars, or Valdesta's extended strategy which includes dealing with Jorzik and his equipment stock. This extended strategy will be discussed in a future entry.

Getting Started

Okay, now you've determined that there's enough ores to work well in this world, or you've found a world that has a full stock of ores, 100 in each or very close.

Here is my first "whole whack of tips" about how to use the Blast Furnace, for folks who are new to it and for folks who are experienced as well:

  • This minigame CAN be handled by one person alone, as long as that person has adequate skill levels in crafting, firebuilding and smithing.
  • Pick up the hammer, bucket and spade that are laying around, don't bother to bring your own.
  • Remember, the Blast Furnace uses half the number of coal to make bars - that is, one coal + one iron ore = one steel bar, and two coal + one mithril ore = one mithril bar.
  • When exchanging notes for ores, sell 10 ore notes, then buy the 10 ores back. When your inventory is full, put the ores on the conveyer belt and repeat your process.
  • The Blast Furnace can hold over 200 coal ore at a time, but only 28 of other ores. You're best to fill the furnace up with coal first, so you don't have to worry about them for a while.
  • Listen to the Dwarf Foreman when you're pumping. If he says the stove is out, fill it more. About 5 scoops does fine for me if I'm quick, but 10 is better for if the pipes keep bursting while you pump.
  • If the Dwarf Foreman says anything about the conveyer belt and you cannot see any ores (of your own) on the belt, don't worry about running the conveyer belt.
  • Watch while you're pumping, for the pipes to break and start puffing. Especially if you're alone, stay keen and stay on 'run' and be quick to fix the broken pipes, as the stove goes out if you aren't.
  • If you angle your view correctly while you're pumping, you can see when the bars are done smelting without anyone watching the temperature guage to tell you (see the image up top and the red arrow pointing at the bar dispenser exploding when it's ready for you to stop pumping)
  • By creating "stackable" items like knives, arrow tips and the likes, you can stay in the Blast Furnace area longer before needing to return to a bank to exchange items.

In general, I don't like the thought of telling people exactly how to play the game, so I'm not going to make a step by step explanation of how to use the Runescape Blast Furnace. However, if there are any tips you'd like to include, please leave a comment on this entry and I'll be glad to add the tips to future entries.

As for the Extended strategy for folks working with Mithril bars and above, you'll just have to wait! :)

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Sunday, October 23, 2005

Runescape "Friends List" delays

Wow, trading is becoming more and more difficult these days for some reason - my personal opinion (and this is not backed up by anything real), is that Jagex is maybe making it so characters have to be logged in for a specific length of time before they actually get logged into the Friends server when load is high, which is something that is GOOD and something we're glad Jagex has taken a look at in terms of reducing lag on the game servers.

However, the difficulty with this delay during peak times is that now it's not quite as easy for players like me to "hop worlds" and trade with fellow players like you.

Before, I used to tell you to meet me at the Varrock West Bank, and I'd rely on seeing your little green dot to bring us together. Now, sometimes my list doesn't show for 10 minutes of login time!

It looks like we may have to be more specific about our meeting places, and have them be out of the main crowded areas so we can find each other before the Friends server registers both of us online when I world hop to conduct the trade (before we turn into green dots). We'll have to pay more attention.

That works for me if it keeps the game low on lag, even during peak hours!

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Bought Mith eq, Taking on bigger stuff in Runescape Edgeville Dungeon

(battle adventures continued from previous battle entry)

As I approached defense of 20 and the ability to wear mithril equipment, I hung around Varrock west bank, directly north of a smithing anvil, and advertised what I was looking for. Of course, I went onto the Miniclip forum to figure out what a reasonable price was to buy these items, and went from there. Since I wasn't able to get "full mith with kite", but rather half of the items from one person and the rest from another, I ended up paying about 20k in total instead of 15k.

But that's okay, because now I'm completely decked out in mithril, and I have a mith scimitar waiting for me when my attack gets to lvl 20 as well, which isn't far off.

I then ventured back to the Edgeville dungeon, and went back to the Zombies I was killing earlier. On my way through, a nearby lvl 22 skeleton attacked and followed me right to the Zombies area, so I had to kill him after killing my first zombie.

He dropped bones AND 15 air runes! Wow, hey, (I figured) I'm skipping these zombies and taking on the Skeletons! Even if they require me to eat a little bit more often and therefore my healing won't last as long. After 10 more skeletons and 39 coins and 10 bones later... I decided to try my luck on the lvl 28 Hobgoblins.

Halfway through the only hobgoblin I managed to kill, my attack advanced to lvl 20 and I was able to wield my mithril scimitar and replace the steel one. The fight went much faster from there, but it still took 6 herring to finish him off completely, over the whole fight.

The hobgoblin dropped bones and a limpwurt root. I know limps have value on members servers as part of herblore, but I'm not sure what their purpose is to free members. Let me know on the game if you know :)

I was pleased to have killed a lvl 28 Hobgoblin, because even though it took a bunch of healing I knew I could take on a Hill Giant and not get flattened. Always good to know!

Hill Giants area is somewhere my character could live for a very long time (if it weren't for the immense competition!), and could profit quite tidily from as she advances attack, strength, defense, range and magic skills. For example, there was someone buying big bones in the area who was offering 200 coins per big bone, and with the drops that Hill Giants offer, there were a lot of new things to be bringing back to the bank for storage and usage later - iron and steel arrows, fire and mind runes, uncut sapphires, and limpwurt roots.

I'm pretty sure it was Big Bones where I first started to make some serious money in Runescape with my primary character. I neglected my prayer skill for a long time, instead choosing to sell the big bones for 20-25k per 100 in the Varrock shop. I rarely had to advertise more than a couple minutes to sell 'em, at least on Members worlds.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Welcome to Runescape's Edgeville Dungeon

So, my secondary character is combat 20 now (my primary is combat 80) and I'm continuing my quest to find good places to raise my combat level on the free servers.

My defense, strength and attack levels are all around 16-18. I'm wearing full steel and wielding a steel scimitar. I've done enough mining and smithing and selling to have 25k in the bank, for when I want to buy full mith at def 20. I've advanced my fishing and cooking to 40 and have a bunch of healing in my bank as a result. You can read previous entries in this blog to find out more details about my preparation for going out for extended periods of battle.

Edgeville and its Dungeon

Edgeville itself is directly north of Barbarian Village, which is along the road west from Varrock. When you're going to Edgeville, you can actually see the Edgeville Dungeon entrance before you can see the bank itself, but you have to go almost to the bank entrance to get into the building that holds the Dungeon's entrance.

[insert edgevillezombies.jpg here]

This dungeon is one that can provide battle sites for many many levels. I wandered past some lvl 3 giant rats, lvl 2 giant spiders and lvl 1 mice before finding lvl 21 and 25 skeletons (which weren't aggressive). Further in, there are lvl 18 and lvl 24 zombies, lvl 28 hobgoblins, and lvl 28 Hill Giants, which not only drop big bones, but herbs, runes, and other goodies.

And as a bonus, if you can get all the way through to the Hill Giants, there's a room just before the Giants that has lvl 24 zombies in it - and a key laying on the floor in the back of the room. The key opens the door at the top of the stairs in the Giant area, and provides you with a short route to the Giants from Varrock (head southeast from the exit to get to the road to Varrock).

Giants is a great place to train range and magic, because it's a high-competition area and you can attack from quite far off, sometimes so far off that the giant doesn't know who is hitting him, and he doesn't come to attack you!!

Good adventuring all!

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Main character stats

NOTE! I've posted a new stats page in November but didn't want to change the URL to this page. Please venture over to this post to check out my more recent stats.

Last Update: November 11, 2005

I regularly get asked what my combat level is on Runescape by folks who have found this blog, so I thought I'd post my current stats for all to see and oogle over.

I just recently attained Smithing lvl 70, and now I'm working my butt off to get to smithing 75 so I can make addy arrow tips for my hunting!

Have fun oogling at any rate :)

I'll post an updated stat picture every once in a while - at this point my Runescape player stats don't change very quickly anymore ;)

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Runescape Beginner Fighting, Finders Keepers

While I was trying my skill against the Town Guards at the southern entrance to Varrock, some low-level character who had been mining tin and copper happened across the aggressive and mean lvl 20 Dark Wizards that hide amongst the more innocuous lvl 7 Dark Wizards south of Varrock in the Stone Henges area.

This low-level character wasn't lucky like me when he came across this Wizard with its strong ranged magical attack, he didn't have healing with him, and he died, right next to me.

Of course, I looted his corpse. I took his cape (and put it on) and his gloves, and as much of his copper ore as I could carry.

Then, instead of hanging around, I figured I'd go and do something else for 5-10 minutes. I mean, I still do kinda feel bad for taking the guy's stuff, but at the same time I know it would happen to me as well - others would loot my corpse - and the thought doesn't bother me. Instead, it motivates me to keep sharp in my adventuring, and play smart so I have 'outs' in case I start to get in over my head.

I hope the raw reality of the competitive environment inspires you that way as well, instead of inspiring you towards whining at other players who have looted your corpse, taking even the last few pieces of your belongings just as you run up to try to recover something from it.

If you feel like whining, take a break. Go get a drink, go wash your face, go brush your teeth. It's only a game, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't learn to play smart.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Fast Runescape mining experience, related fast Runescape cash opportunity

Linkbuilder has a suggestion about gaining Mining levels quickly, since ores like coal, mithril, addy and rune sell for nice prices on the player market.

In Runescape, gaining levels in the Mining Skill is one of the surest ways to wealth in the game.

At the time of this post, Linkbuilder is lvl 87 Mining, and is able to earn 1 million gp in three hours of game time by mining runite in the Hero’s Guild - and you can earn that much too - even if you are not a Runescape Member.

Read on about his advice over here at the website.

I'd like to add that a secondary Runescape fast cash strategy plays off of Linkbuilder's - if you can find someone who is following Linkbuilder's strategy, you can profit from their gaining of mining experience by "running" the ores to the bank for them. They mine, you run the ores to the bank, you keep the ores, you get all the money for the ores, but the other player gets all the experience.

Sounds great to me!

Beginner Fighting, How To Tell What To Attack

Runescape does pretty well at the low levels of judging whether an opponent is too much higher level than the player, and letting the player know by making the actual attack more purposeful than just the standard left-click-on-target.

For instance, at Runescape Combat Level 16, heading out of Varrock to the south, I wander by the Town Guards and my default selection on them is not to attack, it's to pick-pocket them. I have to right-click the guard and select "Attack Town Guard" in order to do it.

Sure, I can't pick-pocket them either, but at least if I try that I won't get attacked and killed if I'm not paying proper attention!

Seeing that I was just taking on lvl 7-8 opponents, I can see why a lvl 21 guard might be a bit tough for me, but hey, I'm tough, and I want to see just how tough this guard guy is.

If he's really tough, I can run, right? And I have some healing with me (cooked pike, my own catches) so I don't have to lick my wounds for very long.

I actually didn't do too badly with the first one! I didn't even have to eat any of my fish. That goes to show the attack advantage that Wizards have on folks with metal armor, compared to folks trying to pierce it with a metal sword. The guards were no match, but those Wizards roasted my armored self.

Town Guards also drop clues to Level 1 Treasure Trails (members only), so I decided to hang around for a while and take on a few more guards before continuing on my journey of exploration. Future battles proved to require more healing than the first, but with only two guards there, and regular competition for those guards, I was soon in the mood to be 'movin on'.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Quick Runescape Money using Logs, comment by Bowhagen

Here are some useful comments from Bowhagen about what route to follow to get $$ for decent equipment within an hour or less of having left Tutorial Island:

My game name is Bowhagen.

When i was a noob i found a good way to make my woodcutting easier:

First finish tutorial island, when you arrive in lumbridge you'll a bronze sword, bronze axe, wooden shield, shortbow, 25 arrows, and food plus some runes and other small stuff. Go North to the general store and sell your sword, shield, food items, etc. Keep the runes and arrows but sell off everything else. Don't worry, in a hour you'll have a lot of money for a noob!!

Go south to the axe shop and buy a iron axe and go to Draynor to cut 112 regular logs and you should be around level 20 or more meaning you can cut Oak, but stick with regular since they're easier and sell for more! I got 10k in a half an hour with just 500+ regular logs! I sold for 20gp each!

Then you can buy iron armor or steel even mith but I doubt you can wield mith with just 30 mins of game play!

Great advice!! Thank you for the tip Bowhagen!

Beginner Fighting, In The Bar - Men and Women

If you haven't already noticed when you walk by them, generally there are a bunch of Men and Women (lvl 2) who wander around in the Pubs on Runescape.

And a lot of the time, there are players much mightier than you who are killing these small opponents.


Because, you see, Men and Women are amongst the few, the special, the oft-competed-for... those who carry clues to Treasure Trails.

A player can only have one clue going at a time, so if you choose to kill Men and Women looking for a clue to a Treasure Trail, be sure to either store the clue or start on the Trail as soon as you get the clue.

Pubs are another area that are great to go to in order to clean up the bones other people leave laying around. Your prayer level will thank you, and once your prayer level gets to the mid-to-high levels which include protection from various types of attacks, your exploring ability will expand and increase the fun for you.

At any rate, usually in a bar, aside from the plethora of Men and Women hanging about, there is a bartender of some sort. As with any bartender IRL, they're usually good people to talk to, because they know the ins and outs of the town. Sure, some of the bartenders just want to sell booze, but others will give advice and sell specialty drinks as well, so be sure to check out the warez of all the pubs you come across, and don't assume they're all the same.

Along with the Bartender, it's a good idea to talk to all the characters for whom you do not have a 'kill' option. Most people are part of a quest in some way and therefore they may not talk to you at this time, but keep them in mind because once you get partway through certain quests, those characters might be quite eager to talk to you.

Enjoy a sudsy one for me!

Monday, October 17, 2005

Quick Runescape money running flax as a member: Comment from Anonymous noter

I've been looking at comments on my blog today and thought it would be a good idea to share some of the helpful tips and tricks I've been offered through comments. I'll post these types of things periodically, so if you leave helpful tips, please be sure to leave a name or initials or something, so I can attribute the tip to you.

Today's tip requires MEMBER status. Sorry non-members!

Contributed by Anonymous:

When you become a member go to Seers Village and start collecting flax, then spin it in a house nearby to make bow strings until you have 100 then sell it for 10k (15k if you're lucky).

I did this and I earned 100k in a hour.

Great idea! I, Valdesta, always see people buying and selling flax in the Seers Village bank. Maple logs are very popular there as well, since they're right behind the bank.

Feel free to post your tips and tricks here! Note, I will edit your information to ensure spelling and grammatical correctness before I post it in an entry :)

Becoming a Runescape Member: Valdesta's Reasons, Part 2

Another reason I wanted to become a Runescape member was the expansion of skills available to me.

Herblore was the first 'members' thing I really got hooked into doing for long periods of time in Runescape.

Where do I get started with Herblore?

You have to complete the quest that the druids dressed in white in north Taverley send you on. For more quest information, check out (not my site). I don't help with quests. Personally I hate them and do them only when I absolutely have to ;)

Okay, I've finished the quest, now where can I find herbs?

In the dungeon south of Taverley (check your map!), there are 8 or so lvl 13 Chaos druids, dressed in red and white. Generally, there are other players there already camped out, but as long as the druids are resetting faster than they can be killed, the world you're in is great. Don't expect to find a world where NOBODY is playing in that area, as it's a very popular area.

The Chaos druids have regular herblore drops when you kill them - unidentified herbs (aka "unid's" on the buy/sell market), vials of water and snape grass are often found. Also, Chaos druids drop valuable runes - Laws, Natures and Airs are the one's you'll see regularly, but occasionally they'll drop chaos or death runes as well.

There are also Chaos druids in the Edgeville dungeon, just on the inside edge of the underground Wilderness there, past the muggers. These Chaos druids are aggressive which makes killing the next one easier (they attack you, you don't have to attack them first), but you've also got to pay attention to ensure you're not getting attacked by other players who are also there primarily for the Chaos druids and what they drop.

I can't identify most of these herbs!! What now??

At low levels, this is to be expected.

My advice is to store the unidentified herbs and keep on accumulating more, trying to identify every one you pick up. As your herblore levels advance you can identify more herb types, so if you keep a good bank store of the unidentified herbs, you'll get an experience boost by having stored herbs ready for identification.

You can also sell "unid's" as they're called, on the open player market (advertise at banks), for 1000 coins, or 1k each. I kept all the herbs until I got to being able to recognize Aventoe and then I decided to take a break so I sold all the unid's I had left and made a tidy profit from it.

Okay, I have a herb and a vial of water. Now what?

Click on the herb, click on the vial of water. Viola, if you are high enough level, you've just made an "unfinished potion". Now you need to find the potion's second ingredient (listed on the Runescape Manual ... Skills pages) and click on it and then on the unfinished potion, to finish it.

You would do well to explore and find places where the secondary potion ingredients spawn naturally in the world. I know of such places for snape grass, and have mentioned the availability of unicorn horns in the Wilderness in a previous entry. Limpwurt roots can be collected in a few spots as well, although generally they're monster drops and aren't just laying around on the ground.

My favorite potions

I like energy potions, they're very useful for my excursions into the Wilderness.

I will enjoy Weapon Poison when I finally get to it, but I'm still a long ways off.

Strength potions are sellable in free worlds and can be sold for 1k each, which is nice.

Antipoison is a MUST if you're exploring far away from civilization and don't have teleports.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Fighting in the beginning levels, Pt 2, Barbarian Village

After my bit of time fighting the Dark Wizards near Draynor Bank, I had progressed a few attack and defense levels, and am now at Combat 16.

I figured I'd wander around Draynor some more and see if there was anything worth attacking, but there really wasn't, so I continued north from Draynor, running past the spooky forest with the Giant Spider, until I found the Barbarian Village.

From looking on in the Beastiary, I know that the Barbarians there are level 7, which is the same level as the Dark Wizards.

The Barbarians drop a few coins along with their bones (this is a great place to train prayer as others tend to leave their bones laying on the ground for you to pick up and bury and get the points from!), and occasionally drop bronze axes and bronze arrows. Make sure to keep two or three bronze axes in your bank account initially, in case you lose your original axe. It's always good to have an extra axe kicking around in case your current one is lost or destroyed in some way.

As you can see, there are some mining spots (tin and coal) available in the Barbarian Village, but no bank in the town. You'll have to head north into Edgeville or follow the road going east over the bridge and into Varrock to find a bank.

Aside from the meagre loot mentioned above, I also picked up a few staves. Not sure what they're worth but any bit of money helps at this point, right??! There were also pie dishes and bowls that showed up periodically, but those were from the potters doing their work in the south part of Barbarian Village. I left those alone, as I see no use for them right now.

After a while, with 30 new bronze arrows, 3 staves, and 4 bronze axes in tow, I headed east towards Varrock.

On the way, I found some more lvl 5 Goblins, just across the river from the Barbarian Village. I killed a couple for the fun of it and buried their bones beside their comrades who still stand, breathing.

After cleaning my blade of disgusting Goblin slime, I contined east into Varrock and visited the West Varrock bank to reset my inventory for another adventure out.

Yet to come!

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Fighting in the beginning levels

Specific for this blog, I've set up a secondary character which I play periodically to get ideas for what to write about here.

For today's topic, as a celebration of attaining fishing lvl 40 and cooking above lvl 40 (so I can both catch and cook lobster), I've decided to take my new character out for battle.

She bought full steel armor + kite shield for 5k (proceeds from the easy money mining excursion I wrote about a couple weeks ago) and filled her inventory with cooked pike from our fishing over the last while, and headed out, looking for a worthy foe, heading east from the Draynor Bank, and south along the shoreline.

At her current combat level of 14, there are not a lot of opponents she can take on and win. But she's tired of lvl 2 Goblins, and rats, and mice.

After a quick visit to the Wizards Tower along the southern shoreline between Lumbridge and Draynor (where the lvl 9 mages smoked my metal-clad self with fire strikes), I ventured further east, keeping south of the fence that separates the swamp from southern Lumbridge.

There, I found two lvl 5 Goblins wandering around who were more of a challenge than the lvl 2's to the north, but didn't smoke me like the Wizards had done. And of course, Goblins occasionally drop things like runes, bronze equipment (including arrows) and a few coins.

After a while of killing those goblins, I decided to go out to find a new opponent - one more worthy than the goblins, but less worthy than those Wizards with their flame strikes.

Lo and behold! What I found ended up being right back where I started, just south of the Draynor Bank! It turns out that those Dark Wizards that caused me anguish when I was brand new at lvl 3 and trying to fish along the ocean bank there, with the small net... are perfect opponents for me now.

And hey! They drop runes that I can sell at the shop for nice prices!! Nature runes which can be sold for 300gp each, and chaos runes which probably go for the same, but I think I'll keep them for future mage efforts, as I know chaos are good attack runes.

Speaking of the future mage efforts, the Dark Wizards also drop black hats and black robe parts, so I've got the start of my mage outfit, too!

Usually most people hanging out with the Dark Wizards are either fishing or woodcutting, but this time there were others fighting the Wizards as well, so with the increased competition I decided to move on and find another place.

But I'll save that for another entry!

Friday, October 14, 2005

Take Any Opportunity to Build Your Skills

Runescape has a large number of skills that players can work on, and many different items on the game come into play because of these skills (I was so glad to finally find a use for swamp tar, for example).

The key to wealth in Runescape is to not waste what you've got access to, just because you don't know what it's for.

Almost any item you can get on the game has a resale value - either at a shop, or more likely, in player-to-player sales at a bank.

Some of the items may only be of use to members, and some of the items may be useful to both free and member players, but be more valuable to members. Regular logs are one thing that come to mind for me in this situation - for free players, they're only good for firemaking skills and for cooking, but for members, the logs are also good for fletching, which is a skill that can make playing as a Ranger much more affordable than for free players. Easy money, right there!

Pay attention when you're in banks, and see what people are asking to buy, and what others are offering to sell. Review the pricing guide on Miniclip forums, or on the many Runescape help sites around the 'net. Then, when you feel you know the value of what you have to offer, collect a bunch and sell them yourself, instead of dropping them on the ground.

When it comes to fishing and cooking, always take the extra few minutes to cook what you catch, even if you're only fishing for experience and are going to be dropping the fish afterwards. It's great to get your fishing level to 40 quickly and be able to fish lobsters, but cooked lobsters sell for twice as much as raw ones!

Even bones are something you can collect and resell to other players. 100 regular bones can net you 10k at the bank... 100 big bones can net you 25k. There are always players looking to quickly boost their prayer levels, so why don't you be the person who profits from that?

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Fishing, lvl 40 reward: Lobsters, Pt 2

(continued from part 1)

Reduced Battling Expenses
Healing is a part of going out exploring and taking on creatures in battle. You can't get out of needing healing unless you attack monsters WAY below your level, but at that point you're not getting much experience nor are you picking up many things from the corpses that you can sell for a little extra cash. If you fish and keep the cooked fish around, you don't have to BUY healing from anyone else, and even if you die, you could have a large collection of food to help you get going again.

Selling Fish For Profit

The fish shop in Port Sarim accepts a wide variety of RAW fish, and will pay you a bit for each of the fish you sell to them. The more of a certain type of fish they have, the less they'll pay you for that type of fish, so you may need to "world-hop" and find worlds where the fish shop is emptier in the specific fishes you're looking to sell.

I personally did a lot of fish selling when I was low level, as a way to get some cash for upgrading my equipment. I found that sardines sell really nicely at the fish shop, but I sold all types of fish there.

Once you're level 40 and beyond, you can fish for lobster and instead of selling them to the store, you can sell them for 200-250 per cooked lobster to the player market by advertising at banks. Be sure you have at least 100 COOKED lobster to make it worthwhile for players to buy from you, and that'll pay you 20-25k!!

I have done my own fishing and have a nice collection of lobster for my own battling needs. I never sell my lobster to players, but lobsters (or "lobbies" as they're also called) are very popular sources of healing for players and therefore it should be quite easy to sell your product to your friends or players hanging around in whatever bank you choose to visit.

Good luck and good fishing!

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Fishing, lvl 40 reward: Lobsters, Pt 1

Lobsters. Mmm. Drowned in butter, soft tasty flesh... Mmm.

Of course, the lobsters on Runescape aren't quite like that... but I still love Lobster IRL so anyone who wants to take me out for dinner, Lobster dinner would rock... ;)

Okay, onto the actual topic of this entry - that is, the financial benefits of training your fishing level up to at least 40 as soon as you can tolerate, and then the financial benefits of collecting lots of lobsters to sell.

Main Benefits:

  • 0 Reliable stream of portable healing for your battles
  • 0 Reduced battling expenses
  • 0 Healing to sell to the fish shop in Port Sarim, or other players for a profit

Portable Healing

Portable healing is healing that you carry with you while you explore or battle, so you can heal yourself without having to return to civilization. The higher level the healing item, the more it tends to heal. This is definitely true with fish.

Don't be afraid to collect 250 of each type of fish in your bank account while you're fishing - you can sell them later, or you may find yourself using a lot of them while you're exploring and adventuring and battling. As you get bigger, you can remove the shrimps and anchovies, etc, from your bank account in note format, and drop the notes to get rid of them since shrimp, anchovies, sardines and herring don't heal very much (but are great when you have under 10 hit points), and therefore make room for the fish that heal well.

You can also hang around fishing places with a bunch of people currently fishing, because odds are someone is fishing for experience and you'll be able to pick up higher-healing fish like trout, pike, salmon or tuna. If you're lucky someone is also working on improving their culinary/cooking skill and will drop cooked fish, ready to eat!

Please don't ask whether anyone is giving away free fish, however - if it's not on the ground, go on about your business and come back later. Look right under the feet of where the people are fishing, take advantage of opportunities as they arise, but don't be a beggar.

Stay tuned for part 2!

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Runescape Autominers Don't Exist

Sept 2007 Update: Yes, there are auto-miners, auto-fishers, auto-wood choppers available. This is a natural progression of any online game. Keep in mind, however, that if you use them and get caught, you risk losing your account with all of your hard work. If you're going to bot, do it on a throw-away account, not your main.

That being said, here's my original entry which is still valid as well:

All over on the 'net there are references to the Runescape Autominer that used to be useful to players.

I believe that was either in the Runescape 1 days or early early in the Runescape 2 days because in the year I've played Runescape 2 (which is the Runescape most people know now) this bot hasn't worked.

Jagex made some changes to the display of its software to account for things which track clicks and try to replicate them to be things like autominers, etc. Now, your Runescape screen (above the chat window) drifts slightly every once in a while - just a few pixels, but enough to screw up autominers and autoclickers. [sept 2007 update - Jagex will continue to make modifications that will screw with your autoclickers and you'll have to continue to upgrade/update/fix your side to make it work again. If you are very good at this type of thing, go for it. If you're not, don't waste your time]

So, don't waste your time with them. They don't work for more than about 20 minutes at a time if you can get them to work at all.

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Monday, October 10, 2005

How "Combat Level" works

When you run around in Runescape, and see other players running around, the level you see in conjunction with their player name is that player's combat level. When someone asks you what level you are without specifying a skill, that's generally what level they're talking about. And in the Wilderness, it's your combat level that plays in to who can and cannot attack you as you wander about in the wild.

Combat level is raised along with your regular skills, but it is not a specific skill of its own like mining or smithing or fishing - it's actually something that a number of different skills all add up and create. The following skills all contribute to your Combat Level rating:


So, if any of these skills are low, they will bring down your "combat average" which makes up your Combat Level.

Note, that "pure" players may therefore have quite high levels in any one or two skills but their Combat Level would be deceivingly low for how much they could hurt you in the Wilderness with those specifically-trained skills.

Never underestimate your opponent, and never let anyone taunt you into the Wilderness with them. Play smart!

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Spending time with the world map

Runescape is a large world, and while there are roads leading to and from the major cities and locations, there's a lot more of the world that goes off of the beaten path and the best way to get around successfully is to use the World Map regularly and explore and visit the different cities that you can access.

In time you'll get used to the lay of the land and you won't need to use the World Map as much, but initially, or when you're in a new area and not exactly sure which direction to go, the map is very useful in helping you use your precious energy efficiently.

The Jagex map is kind of slow to load on my computer, and finicky as well - it doesn't like to be ctrl-tab'd in behind other applications when it's loading, for example, but once it's loaded up it's a great adventurer tool. I've gone on many adventures to a new dungeon in my playing days, hunting around to see what's out there that I can take on and win.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Becoming a Member: Valdesta's Reasons, Part 1

I started playing Runescape in July 2004 after my pre-teen neice and nephew showed it to me when I was visiting. I was immediately hooked, and even though I spent the next month or so trying out a whole bunch of Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games, Runescape was the only one that really held my attention for any length of time.

So, after 30 days of playing on the free servers and advancing my player up so my main skills were in the mid-thirties, I registered and become a member.

The very first thing I'd like to say ROCKS about being a member is the sheer size of the world. Having 1200 members on a members server is so incredibly less crowded than having 800 people on a free world, because there are so many cities for players to spread out to on the members servers.

Immediately, competition for ore and monsters close to town is reduced, even in the same cities the free players overwhelm on free servers.

Immediately, there are a whole LOT more places that offer what you're looking for - ores, stores, specialty shops... nevermind quests and the equipment/rewards they offer!

I'll write more about this topic in future posts.