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Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Tip: Earning Cash On A New Player

As one of the steps in preparing to do a serious upgrade of the Runescape Newbie Guide site, I'm going through all of the comments that are in need of moderation. I'm down to 606 comments left, out of the 1080 that existed when I started wheedling down recently.

There was a great tip by Uncle Vernon that I just published to the "Starting A New Character" posting, I'd like to share it, as it's a way for a brand new character to make 10-15k without having to deal with selling to other players:

One of the easiest ways to make money is killing chickens by Varrock or Lumbridge;

1)collect about 500 feathers
2)collect 20 raw chickens
3) bury all your bones

go to port sarim and cook all chicken (raise cooking) eat them or sell them by the wilderness later, now for "the real money"; go to fishing shop and value feathers they stay from 1 gold to 4 gold, when they are 3 or 4 gold sell them 10 at a time with 500 feathers you can: make 15 to 20k, raise a little combat, and the most important... raise cooking level!!!

Thanks for the tip Uncle Vernon!

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Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Tutorial Island And What You Can Leave With by Epza

One of the most commented-on articles on the Runescape Newbie Guide blog is the one about Starting A New Character. The comments are there mainly because I made some errors in my recommendations and some friendly folk were helping me to fix it. One of the best comments on the topic was by someone who used a player name "Epza" to test out Tutorial Island fully and reported back on their results:

NOTE! I didn't write this part that follows, this was from a comment on my blog that I thought was great and wanted to share as a post of its own.

"Epza, the character (toon) I used, was created solely for the purpose of checking the limits and boundrys of Runescape's Training Island. What follows are my findings.

On the Runescape Training Island, you can NOT go higher in any skill than level three (3). Not even one point higher. On the training island all skills are capped at level three (3).

You can melee kill as many rats as you want, and you don't even have to use food to heal with because you will never go below one (1) hitpoint. In otherwords, you won't die fighting rats on Training Island.

You can collect all the inventory items you want while on the island, but when you leave the island you will end up on the mainland with the following items in your inventory:

one bronze wood cutting axe
one tinder box
one small fishing net
one cooked shrimp
one bucket
one pot
one cooked bread
one pickaxe
one bronze dagger
one bronze sword
one wooden shield
one short bow
twenty five (25) arrows
twenty five (25) air runes
fifteen (15) body runes
six (6) water runes
four (4) earth runes
two (2) body runes

and in the mainland banks you will find:

twenty five (25) coins

Any stockpiles you made to your inventory, regardless of whether you stockpiled arrows, shrimp, bread, bronze bars or whatever, will NOT reach the mainland with you. You will get exactly that which I listed above and not a bit more.

Fishing skill-ups are a little faster on Training Island than on the mainland, and so are fire skill-ups, but leveling attack, strength, and defense are slower because you hit less often than you would with either normal rats or chickens on the mainland. This same slowness could apply to ranged, but killing chickens with free runes from the wizard might be worth considering.

But truthfully, my recommendation would have to be not to waste your time on Training Island. On Training Island you can't get loot to make money with. In the low level mainland areas, you can get loot from your kills, and loot from the kills of other players who just leave it on the ground.

And one last thing, the very easiest and quickest way for a "newbie," at least on the f2p (free to play) servers, to earn money is probably one of the most boring. It works like this:

Step 1) You get the "Rune Mysteries Quest" from Duke Horacio on the 2nd floor of the castle. (The castle you ended up in front of when came off Training Island.) You take the talisman the duke gives you to the head wizard, Sedridor, in the Wizards Tower south of Draynor Village. Sedridor wants you to take a package to Aubury, the owner of a rune shop in north east Varrock, and gives you directions to Varrock. (In the last update, Runescape made the barbarians hostile and they will now aggro newbies, so if you can't figure out how to avoid their village, don't walk through it, run.) When you find Aubury, keep in mind where he's located, and that there is a bank just north of him. Aubury gives you his notes and asks you to give them to Sedridor. Take them to Sedridor and in return he gives you the privilage of being teleported to the rune essence stones via various npc's.

Step 2) The the boring, but rewarding part. Go to the bank and store everything but your pickaxe. Wield your pickaxe. Your inventory should now be empty, the pickaxe in your hand. Go to one of the teleportation npc's and get teleported to the rune essence stones. Mine the essence (ess), fill your inventory, then use the teleportation device back to the teleporting npc. Next, go to the bank and store the twenty eight (28) ess you've mined. Now go back to the teleporting npc and repeat this operation thirty five (35) times. (I said it was boring.) 8-)

NOTE: Don't try to sell until you have at least 1000 ess. Buyers don't like piddly amounts, and you can always take breaks if it gets to boring. Oh, I almost forgot, you should be able to sell your one thousand (1000) ess for thirty thousand (30,000) if your patient--most likely to just a single buyer. If you are willing to sell for less, don't let them get you down to low, because there are buyers that will turn around and sell the thousand essences's they bought from you for 35,000.

Good hunting.


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Monday, September 03, 2007

Catching up on 1000+ blog comments

Blog comments are fun to go through.

Some are great! I've approved a great number of comments today and they now appear in the comments section of the various posts they were posted to. I especially like the friendly comments from other blog owners - when I update this site, I'll be setting up cross-linkings with some of the ones with quality content.

Some are spam - runescape gold, runescape scams disguised as helpful sites, etc. I'm sure the spammers don't really care that they get comments rejected on some sites, as their modus operandi is "spam lots, all over the place" and even a %.01 return rate on their spamming is enough of a reward for them.

Some comments, however, are well-meaning people who are probably a little frustrated, and their frustration is coming across in their attempted communications with me.

Like the guy who hadn't looked at the most recent postings on the blog to realize it hadn't been updated in over 8 months when he said, exasperated:

dude wtf top blocking all my comments and stop trying to make people thing thoughs are yur runescape stats

All ridiculousness and jest aside, I'd like to let and commenters know that I don't ignore them, exactly - but I've left this blog unattended for a while and have a lot of work to do to clear out the backlog of comments. So, if I haven't answered your question, it is likely that I haven't gotten to it in the comments yet.

And of course, because of all the spammers that abound, all of the comments in this blog need to be approved by me before they show up on the site. If the world were full of people who don't try to clog the system up for the rest of us, I wouldn't have to do this.

But it has to be said - why do my character stats threaten you so? Certainly there are many players much higher level in everything than me now? And what "accomplishment" exactly is it for me to have wasted so much time to level all those silly skills? :) :)

Silly noters. Thank you for your entertainment - good and bad.

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Sunday, September 02, 2007

New Runescape Project: Runescape Pals!

Are you looking to earn some extra cash in Runescape by getting a "job"?

Are you looking to buy mass amounts of raw materials to level skills, and wanting to hire a "worker"?

Maybe you're looking for a Runescape friend around your age who is also looking for friends.

Or you're looking to Join a Clan!

Or maybe even you're a Clan recruiter looking to get the word out about your new clan to join!

For all of you, and because it's fun for me, I've started this new project:

Runescape Pals - find friends, clans, jobs, workers and more!

This is a brand new roll-out and needs a few people to start the ball rolling by getting themselves listed (for free of course). I have more updates planned over the coming months as well!

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