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Sunday, October 23, 2005

Runescape "Friends List" delays

Wow, trading is becoming more and more difficult these days for some reason - my personal opinion (and this is not backed up by anything real), is that Jagex is maybe making it so characters have to be logged in for a specific length of time before they actually get logged into the Friends server when load is high, which is something that is GOOD and something we're glad Jagex has taken a look at in terms of reducing lag on the game servers.

However, the difficulty with this delay during peak times is that now it's not quite as easy for players like me to "hop worlds" and trade with fellow players like you.

Before, I used to tell you to meet me at the Varrock West Bank, and I'd rely on seeing your little green dot to bring us together. Now, sometimes my list doesn't show for 10 minutes of login time!

It looks like we may have to be more specific about our meeting places, and have them be out of the main crowded areas so we can find each other before the Friends server registers both of us online when I world hop to conduct the trade (before we turn into green dots). We'll have to pay more attention.

That works for me if it keeps the game low on lag, even during peak hours!


At 10/23/2005 04:53:00 PM , Blogger Man said...

It's just friends list server lagging...

At 10/24/2005 07:56:00 PM , Blogger SingleGrrl said...

Yep you're right, it looks like it's just lag, as last night wasn't near as bad.

At 11/29/2005 09:17:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

ive had to wait up to an hour and a half for that crappy friends lit server and im on a t3 connection, i think the reason its lagging is because people have such big lists

At 3/31/2006 01:52:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, it could be because of the multiple updates that Jagex are putting into the game. Without those lags, you'd be stuck in Runescape classic.


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