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Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Free air runes on Runescape, respawn in Karamja

Are you looking for a reliable place to pick up free air runes on the free online role playing game Runescape to get you going as a Mage?

You're in luck! There's an air rune respawn spot in Karamja, close to the docks you arrive at when you ride to Karamja from the Port Sarim docks.

In fact, right in that same area on Runescape in Karamja, you can get a job with a Non-Player Character (NPC) named Luthas, packing boxes of bananas and getting paid 30gp a box, as well!

It's behind Luthas' house that the air runes reset - 3 at a time, every 30 seconds or so. If you hang around for a half hour (or pack banana boxes in between), you'll have about 200 air runes.

Personally, I don't know why folks bother with air runes, I'd rather use an air staff - but I guess, sometimes I'd rather use a fire, earth or water staff and in those cases I'd need air runes wouldn't I?


At 10/30/2006 05:07:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Personally me being a bit on a noob i find any place where u can get stuff for free great. This place included. By doing noobish things like picking up the small ammount of money goblines drop and taking the bucket or pot that no one wants I have earnt myself a pretty ammount of cash on runescape. 250k on one account although this was not from only noobish things but also mining and selling ess along witha lot of forum reading which led me to sell feathers and other useful items.

ADD ME - ranging seth

At 1/23/2007 10:44:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok u guys im doug231dd thast my runescape user name and i think if u have nothing better to do u shud go in faldo and go ontop of a building on the lowest world and look forr ppl drop trading that for me is how i gte most of my items like today i picked up a rune pl8 so u know its kinda noob but its a good way to make money but ppl hate it when u take their stuff so thx



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