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Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Gyro's Runescape tips, Air Runes/Iron Ore in Rimmington

Gyro posted a couple of comments with great additions to my strategies for advancing your mining skills on the non-member worlds, so I thought I'd post them as main posts in case folks don't find them otherwise.

Gyro writes:

"I like killing two birds with one stone.

I like your Rimmington mine for F2P. Prior to becoming a member, I was able to raise my mining to 69.

I found killing two birds with one stone made this rise easier. The trek from falador to the rimmington mine passes directly past the Air Temple.

Strategy One (Air Rune/Iron Ore)

Buy/mine a lot of essence in varrock, bank several 1000.
Then travel to Falador, strip naked, wield pick, and wear the Air Tiara. Then fill backpack full with essence. Run to temple create Air runes. Then travel ssw to the Rimmington mine to fill your boots with Iron ore. Here's a good tip on looking for power miners - it is quicker for them to trade ore than dropping it. I would then run back to Falador to start the whole process again.

You level 4 different skills with this strategy. Mining, Smelt/smith, runecraft, and eventually mage (with all the air runes you create)

Good luck"

Gyro's Strategy Two surrounds the topic of using pottery and clay to improve your crafting and mining levels at the same time, but I'll save that post until later in the week, so be sure to come back to check that out!


At 11/15/2005 08:54:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heres a tip-Instead of smithing your bars in Varrock you can smith them in draynor! I saw a dungeon sign right outside of draynor by the guy that sells the horses and I decided to investigate. I was surprised to see a anvil down there! It is on your first left in the ruins of a house! -Karlhar/Z reverse


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