Fast Runecrafting of Mind Runes in RuneScape MMORPG, comments and questions
Qopitar has some feedback and some questions. I'm not much of a runecrafter myself (boring, too much running back and forth) so anyone who has good answers, feel free to post a comment!
Qopitar wrote
"I was finally brave enough to try the wilderness r... I was finally brave enough to try the wilderness route while crafting minds and wow, what a difference! The wilderness route is *much* quicker than the normal Falador route.
Here are some tips that might make things safer for you:
When you try this route for the first time, do it naked! This way, you risk nothing but a trip to Lumbridge. If you run this route properly, you will never encounter aggressive npcs.
Go to a "market" or "running" world. People typically go to world 1 to buy and sell stuff, not to pk. I ran this route on world 66 (member's law running world) with no trouble at all.
Along the same lines, wait 'til late. Less players = less pkers.
While running this route, I always made sure that I had 50% run left in case I needed it.
I ran the route "naked" so I was only risking the essence or runes I was carrying and could maximize my running time. I read some advice that suggested one wear the best ranger class armour that one can. This makes sense to me as it's light and a mage pker using snare or entangle is your biggest threat. Maybe body armour, legs, and a decent, light weapon? Any advice from someone more experienced here?
These are just my personal thoughts and opinions, but keep in mind, I'm a rookie!! Let me know if you have any tips or I got it wrong.
One thing that I need to learn more about is the escape routes while running this route. Right after leaving Edgeville, I'm pretty sure that if I ran south, I'd end up in the Monk Sanctuary (which is good). Moving further west, I don't think one would want to run south and end up in the Black Knight's fortress, this would be bad, right? "
Yep, I think people in Non-Member worlds are looking for unaware people to wander by the Black Knight's fortress so they can PK 'em!
The Monastery is just west of Edgevile, across the wall. Good luck.
The first time I did minds, I did the wildy route. Sometimes, teams, very large teams, will sort of block the route, but that tends to be only on crowded worlds. I run the fally route, too. I personally favour neither route, the wildy one because i got lost and hit the side of the ice mountain, and the fally one because i keep going to Goblin Village instead of the temple.
Anybody know where to unlock all the music. Is there a cheat for that yet
Goth Chic 94
i think the best way of runecraftin is to craft mind runes because its really close to the bank and all u need is couple of runners to get ur ess... and pluss mind gives approx. 160xp for 27 ess... and also mind is great for mage :P
good luck people !!
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