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Friday, October 14, 2005

Take Any Opportunity to Build Your Skills

Runescape has a large number of skills that players can work on, and many different items on the game come into play because of these skills (I was so glad to finally find a use for swamp tar, for example).

The key to wealth in Runescape is to not waste what you've got access to, just because you don't know what it's for.

Almost any item you can get on the game has a resale value - either at a shop, or more likely, in player-to-player sales at a bank.

Some of the items may only be of use to members, and some of the items may be useful to both free and member players, but be more valuable to members. Regular logs are one thing that come to mind for me in this situation - for free players, they're only good for firemaking skills and for cooking, but for members, the logs are also good for fletching, which is a skill that can make playing as a Ranger much more affordable than for free players. Easy money, right there!

Pay attention when you're in banks, and see what people are asking to buy, and what others are offering to sell. Review the pricing guide on Miniclip forums, or on the many Runescape help sites around the 'net. Then, when you feel you know the value of what you have to offer, collect a bunch and sell them yourself, instead of dropping them on the ground.

When it comes to fishing and cooking, always take the extra few minutes to cook what you catch, even if you're only fishing for experience and are going to be dropping the fish afterwards. It's great to get your fishing level to 40 quickly and be able to fish lobsters, but cooked lobsters sell for twice as much as raw ones!

Even bones are something you can collect and resell to other players. 100 regular bones can net you 10k at the bank... 100 big bones can net you 25k. There are always players looking to quickly boost their prayer levels, so why don't you be the person who profits from that?


At 2/04/2006 07:49:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

a good way of levelling multi skills at a low level, is to go hunting chickens. take with you an axe and tinder box. by killing the chickens, you are working on attack/hit points/defence. cut down a nearby tree for woodcutting levels, burn the logs for firestarting levels. cook the chicken, bury the bones for prayer levels. then if you are a member, use the feathers for either arrow flights or fly fishing, or if a free player sell the feathers for $s

At 2/07/2006 11:37:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I always try 2 do more than one skill at a time so i get your view. for example i made earth runes, as a member but took an ax and cut oaks on way back 2 bank. Then fletch the oak logs before leaving with ess for earth altar. If y do this can get both skill leveled up without wasting anytime. Think about what y can do 2 level up two or more skills with less time :-)


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