Runescape Mining Tips for low levels and non-members
Drawrof has got some more great advice, this time aimed towards non-members and low level players:
"A couple of tips (low level and f2p)
1.) make sure you are naked (no equipment), wielding pick axe, and have an empty backpack. You should always mine a full load of 28 ores for each run. Raise attack level accordingly so you can wield highest possible pick.
2.) DO NOT MINE ORES YOU JUST LEARNED TO MINE. Although mining iron gives more experience than copper or tin, the competition for this product is much greater. Iron can be used for steel and iron products. So before you leap to mining and smithing iron, keep with the copper and tin for a while. Firstly, you will most likely have higher mining skills than other cu and sn miners, so in highly competitive areas you will get the ore more often than not. Secondly, you will fill your back pack much quicker. Even though you get less experience per copper or tin or than iron, you will get more experience because you will mine more.
ie. spend 20 minutes competing with other iron miners in SW Varrock, attempting to fill backback gets you 28 iron ore(980 mining experience) and avg. 14 iron bars (525 smelting/smith experience)
or spend 20 minutes mining 2 loads of copper and 2 loads of tin in SW Varrock, you get 56 copper and 56 tin ores (1960 mining experience) and 56 bronze bars(1047 smelting/smithing experience)
I am assuming that you will have less competition and will acquire more ores, because you can mine them faster. The numbers are theoretical and no actual numbers, and are used to illustrate a point.
3.) If you are mining lessor ores then do not be afraid of busy worlds. The more players in the world the faster the ores will respawn. If you can mine copper and tin in World 1, chances are that all the rocks will be vacant. "
Thanks Drawrof for your continued contributions!
i agree you don't want to mine ore as soon as your able to mine them. everyone wants coal so you want to wait longer before you really start mining coal i'de wait until your at mining lv 45
ok dude im no noob miner but this really might have more hits if you get the calculators on to.they reely help.
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