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Saturday, November 25, 2006

Silly Reader Comments and my Silly Responses To Them

Here are some comments that didn't get approved to be publically visible in my blog, but to whom I am responding for all to read and ponder.

One thing I won't make fun of is spelling, punctuation and the likes. I think those things speak for themselves :)

Nov 14/06
"im srry but taking cow meat is such a nooby way to get food i mean they heak 3 health!!!"

Dude. Check the name of the blog and the target market, or offer a better suggestion which I'd be happy to share with this blog's readership.

November 10/05
"hello guy' from jagex staff"
[the rest chopped for brevity]

Scammer. I'll bet it annoys you when blogs like mine don't just let your little scam attempts be posted for all to read. I'm glad you have to put in the effort to figure out the post-verification graphic. I like to waste your time.

November 8/06
"hi im a lvl 126 i can smith full rune with plate body if you want full rune for free add me wait you might try to hack me srry"

What dream world are you living in that you think you're lvl 126? What are you doing on a "Newbie Guide" site doing anything but offering helpful advice? Oh, right - being fearful of getting hacked yet _still leaving a note_. Here's a Runescape-related article that might be helpful to you, but you might also want to consider this article, too about your apparent self-victimization which I cannot tell for sure, but suspect, is a regular habit if it comes out to a complete stranger.

October 06/06
"i am a wood cutter but im realy poor. I realy like your stats if you can go to world 37 now i will talk yo you just wondering could you helpme get to level 60 wc if so thks"

Here's the only advice I can give to advance any skill.

Ready for it?

Here it comes:

Keep doing the skill, and if you can, keep doing the skill on the highest-level skilling device you can. For example, if you're a woodchopper, chop the highest type of tree you can gain access to, and just KEEP GOING.

There is no easy way out of skilling up things like mining and woodcutting - just keep mining and woodcutting.

October 4/06
"hey, add [a name not posted here]... i wanna say and ask some stuff plz..."

Unfortunately, due to the wonderful popularity of this blog, I have chosen to severely limit who gets onto my online friends list, and I never have my private chat status set to where folks not on my friends list can see me online. It's funny, every once in a while I'll switch to 'On' instead of 'private/friends' and I'll be flooded with chats from 15 people at a time - so fast that I can't read what everyone's said before the chats get scrolled off of my screen.

So, if you have a question, please do leave me a comment on this blog. As of today's posting I have 800 outstanding comments to sift through from when I wasn't actively maintaining the blog, but new comments get first attention so post your questions and suggestions any time you'd like!

September 30/06
"i am not a scamer but my name is [snipped] and I am lev [who cares] so if you want your lev up, email me your username and password...'

Methinks thou dost protesteth too much. Scammer. I wish I could make it so if folks put certain keywords in their comments that in addition to the verification code required, a skill-testing mathematical question would be required, in addition to 3 or 4 questions from an IQ test (which would all have to be answered correctly). If nothing else, it would waste scammer's time, which is something I like to do.

September 27/06
"you r all silly noobs and its a dum computer game so who cares if u get hacked of blocked or what ever go get a life"

We're rubber and you're glue...

Did your girlfriend dump you for glomming on to her and expecting her to be the center of your life, and now you're lashing out at people who are still having fun? Here's an illuminating bit of information you might benefit from, considering your need to lash out to the blog of a complete stranger, attempting to tell others what to do.

The End For This Round

Well, that's enough for now. I'm sure there'll be a lot more fodder for these types of entries, considering the 800 additional comments I haven't viewed yet.

There are a number of other comments that were left that had questions of substance (ie: great questions, useful tips!), and I'll be answering those, too, as time allows. If you've got a question or some helpful tips for others reading the blog, feel free to leave a comment. I'll dedicate a full entry to any true, thoughtful, intelligent question.

But note, if you post a self-centered, whiny, begging or outright idiotic comment, you may appear on the next list where I practice calling those types of people out on their behavior.

I know, some people like that. Maybe I won't give _those people_ attention, because I like to annoy attention-mongers... it's in my blood.


At 12/04/2006 05:11:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lol! that was hilarious =]

Silly scammers...I love seeing comments like that and giggling to myself, wondering how people can act that way, and not feel silly =]

At 1/18/2007 07:40:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

yo valadesta i like ur blog its really kool to help other noobs on runescape like myself. so i was just saying that u should keep up the good work and keep helping ppl out peace out for now.

At 2/28/2007 05:02:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just a small thing to add.. I wouldn't always recommend cutting the highest trees you can. Once you get to yews and magics, you'd be better off cutting willows if you want fast xp. I got to 99 by cutting willows, so it works pretty well.

At 5/13/2007 11:50:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is sort of unrelated to the page.. but im talking about the whole of runescape here. Im new - i started prolly 1 week ago, and i have been surfin sites in which can help my ability to actually play well - what gets me hardest is the pricing of stuff. but it will come. I just wanted to say that while i am surfing, the name zezima pops up absolutely everywhere. What i find funny are the comments by people indicating how noobish everyone is - why spend your time talking about zezima??? its funny, because thats precisely what ur doing. Anyway, i like the site, it has helped in alot of areas, mainly helping the raising of stats. Thanks heaps, call me if your in Aussie :D

At 7/10/2007 11:35:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heheh, that was funny, nice guide, I'm a level 70 now and when I started Runescape I read this guide... Thanks.


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