Basic RuneScape Runecrafting Guide, Part II
If you haven't read Part I of "Basic RuneScape RuneCrafting Guide", please go back here to check it out. Especially if I seem like I'm assuming knowledge here.
Finding Rune Altars
If you have the Talismen, you can right-click on them to get a general hint as to what direction that rune's altar is from where you are. If you were patient you could find all of the altars this way, by right-clicking, choosing "locate" and moving according to its instructions.
Or, you could refer to this list and get more detailed information about where to go, using the talismen only as a "last few metres" way to find the altar if you're just not seeing it but you know you're in the right area. Here's the list:
- Air temple - Southwest of Falador's south gate.
- Mind temple - Northwest side of Ice mountain, near the edge of the wilderness (but inside safe territory).
- Water temple - West of the mines that are south of Lumbridge, in Lumbridge Swamp.
- Earth temple - Northeast of Varrock, west of the gates leading to Canifis.
- Fire temple - West of the dueling arena in Northeast Al-Kharid
- Body temple - who cares, does anyone use them?
Creating Runes
Air Runes
When you first start out, the only rune type you can create is Air Rune, so we'll start with that one.
Air runes are the basis of many spells (attack, teleport, enchant), and therefore are a great rune to spend your time and experience "running" for a while, if only for your own needs.
The best route is to start at Falador East bank. Follow the path south and out of the southern Falador gates. Go southwest after you exit the gates. You should easily find the Rune Altar entrance.
Mind Runes
Mind runes are used for low level attack spells. To make them, you need level 2 runecrafting.
There are two routes you can take to get to the Mind Rune Altar - a super-safe route and a slightly-dangerous one. Of course, the slightly-dangerous one is considered the faster of the two routes, so I'll start with it:
Start in Edgeville bank. Go northwest into the wild and go around Ice mountain. Walk out of the wilderness and the mind rune altar entrance isn't far.
The second option is to start from Falador West Bank, head north, then take the eastern branch once you're outside of the city. Progress over [FILL IN HERE]. This route doesn't involve you entering the Wilderness at any time.
Water Runes
Water runes are another basic rune, used for curse and binding spells. To make water runes, you must have level 5 runecrafting.
The fastest route for non-members is to start at Draynor Bank. Follow the path east, and then south, following the water until it branches south. Continue going into Lumbridge swamp and continue east. The ruins are southwest of the entrance building to Zanaris/Lost City. Members who have completed the Lost City quest can use the bank there and will find it faster than returning to Draynor.
Earth Runes
Earth runes are also commonly used in curse spells and binding spells. To make earth runes, you must have level 9 Runecrafting.
The fastest Route is to start at Varrock's East bank. Follow the path out of the city, east. Follow the path north until you find a dead end. Go east, the rune altar entrance is in the middle of several trees. They are northwest of the Gate and path leading to Canifis.
Fire Runes
Fire runes, like air runes, are also a very commonly-used rune. To make fire runes, you must have level 14 Runecrafting.
There are two fast routes for making fire runes, I will start with the non-member information as most readers have requested it that way:
Start at Al-Kharid bank and go north of the Gem stall. From there, go northeast, following the fence for the dueling arena northward, past the path leading into the arena. You should be able to find the rune altar entrance easily.
While there are more routes to speak of and runes to create, I'm mainly keeping my information targetted towards non-members. Sometimes I have entries that write about why I enjoy being a Runescape Member, those are meant to entice you non-members to register ;)
Happy New Year all!